Indisponibilité programmée / Scheduled outage

Nous procéderons à une opération de maintenance le mercredi 12 mars 2025 à 8h00 (CET).

  • Indico sera indisponible durant cette opération.
  • La durée prévisionnelle d'indisponibilité est estimée à une heure.

We will be performing maintenance on Wednesday, March 12, 2025, at 8:00 AM (CET).

  • Indico will be unavailable during this operation.
  • The estimated downtime is one hour.
30 novembre 2020 à 3 décembre 2020
Fuseau horaire Europe/Paris

The 11th ET symposium falls in a crucial phase of the Einstein Telescope project. The ET proposal has been submitted the 9th of September 2020 to the “2021 update of the ESFRI roadmap”. The European Strategic Forum for Research Infrastructures (ESFRI) roadmap describes the future major research infrastructures in Europe. The Einstein Telescope (ET) is the most ambitious project for a future terrestrial observatory for GWs. A consortium of European countries and of research institutions and universities in Europe has officially submitted the proposal for the realisation of such an infrastructure with the political support of five European countries, Belgium, Poland, Spain and The Netherlands, led by Italy. The European Gravitational Observatory (EGO) in Italy constitutes its transitional headquarters. The ET consortium brings together about 40 research institutions and universities in several European countries, including also France, Germany, Hungary, Norway, Switzerland and the United Kingdom.

The aim of the 11th ET symposium is twofold: expose the details of the submitted proposal (the technical, scientific and organisational achievements related to that crucial milestone will be presented), and initiate the first steps for the realisation of the international ET scientific collaboration. A first skeleton of the ET collaboration and organisation will be discussed with the participants and the scientific and technological challenges for the realisation of the Einstein Telescope will be presented.

Because of the COVID-19 constraints, the ET symposium will be fully remote. Zoom connection coordinates have been distributed to the registered participants; participation is open. 

The Symposium can also be followed through LAPP's YouTube channel : 

Deadline for registration: Thursday 26th November ,  9 pm CET 

Scientific organising committee: Grado Aniello, Marica Branchesi, Marie Anne Bizouard, Raffaele Flaminio (chair), Andreas Freise, Stephan Hild, Harald Lück (chair), Michele Maggiore, Frédérique Marion, Michele Punturo, Sheila Rowan.

Local organising committee: Maud Coppel, Sylvain Garrigues, Cécile Jacob, Corinne Feullar, Raffaele Flaminio, Mathilde Hubert, Loïc Rolland, Katia Stazewski, Edwige Tournefier (chair).

Commence le
Finit le
9 Chemin de Bellevue, Annecy-le-Vieux 74941 Annecy, FRANCE