Lück Harald,
Michele Punturo
30/11/2020 15:05
Status of the ET project and content of the ESFRI proposal
Domenico D'Urso
(University of Sassari and INFN-LNS)
01/12/2020 09:00
Maria Marsella
(Università di Roma 'La Sapienza')
01/12/2020 09:05
Luca Naticchioni
(INFN Roma)
01/12/2020 09:25
Gilberto Saccorotti
(Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia - Sezione di Pisa)
01/12/2020 09:45
Rosario De Rosa
(University of Naples "Federico II" and INFN)
01/12/2020 10:15
Enrico Calloni
(University of Naples "Federico II" and INFN)
01/12/2020 10:35
John Andrew Osborne
01/12/2020 10:55
Marica Branchesi
(Università di Urbino/INFN-Sezione di Firenze)
01/12/2020 17:05
Luciano Errico
(University of Naples "Federico II" and INFN)
02/12/2020 09:05
Tomasz Bulik
(University of Warsaw)
02/12/2020 09:25
Frederic Nguyen
(University of Liège )
02/12/2020 09:45
Soumen Koley
02/12/2020 10:15
Florian Amann
(RWTH Aachen)
02/12/2020 10:35
Takashi Uchiyama
(ICCR, the University of Tokyo)
02/12/2020 10:55
Andreas Freise
(Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam and Nikhef),
Gianluca Gemme
02/12/2020 14:30
Jerome Degallaix
(Laboratoire des Matéraux Avancés),
Stefan Hild
(Maastricht University)
02/12/2020 14:40
Alessandro Bertolini
Francesco Fidecaro
(Pisa University - INFN Pisa)
02/12/2020 15:00
Edwige Tournefier
Stuart Reid
(University of Glasgow)
02/12/2020 15:20
Conor Mow-Lowry
(Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam),
Jan Harms
(Gran Sasso Science Institute)
02/12/2020 15:40
Fulvio Ricci
(Università di Roma 'La Sapienza' and INFN),
Steffen Grohmann
(Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)
02/12/2020 16:20
Florian Amman
Maria Marsella
(Università di Roma 'La Sapienza')
02/12/2020 16:40
Michele Punturo
03/12/2020 09:00
The possible governance model of the ET collaboration and the relationship with the project will be presented
Walid Chaibi
03/12/2020 11:15
Samuel Joshua Rowlinson
(University of Birmingham)
03/12/2020 11:35
Jessica Steinlechner
(Maastricht University)
03/12/2020 11:55
Ursula Gibson
(Norwegian University of Science and Technology)
03/12/2020 12:15
Tomislav Andric
(Gran Sasso Science Institute, L'Aquila)
03/12/2020 15:00
Sina Maria Koehlenbeck
(Albert Einstein Institute, Hannover)
03/12/2020 15:20
Lennard Busch
(Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)
03/12/2020 15:40
Piero Rapagnani
(Università di Roma 'La Sapienza' and INFN)
03/12/2020 16:00
Stefan Hanke
(Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)
03/12/2020 16:40
Antonio Pasqualetti
(European Gravitational Observatory, Cascina)
03/12/2020 17:00
Roberto Cimino
(INFN - Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati)
03/12/2020 17:20
Albert Lazzarini
(California Institute of Technology and LIGO laboratory)
03/12/2020 17:40
Giacomo Oggiano
(University of Sassari)