Clustering phenomena and multi-particle decay
Clusters are the dominant products in heavy-ion collisions (HICs) in a wide energy range from the Fermi energy domain to higher energies of several hundred MeV/nucleon. Correlations in such highly excited nuclear many-body systems are of particular interest, and strong correlations can affect the global dynamical evolution of HICs. Also studies of EOS of symmetric and asymmetric nuclear matter...
Population and decay of states of 12C
G. Cardella(1), A. Bonasera(2)(3), N.S. Martorana(2)(4), L. Acosta(1)(5), E. De Filippo(1), E. Geraci(1)(4), B. Gnoffo(1)(4), C. Guazzoni(6), L.Lo Monaco(4), C. Maiolino(2), A. Pagano(1), E.V. Pagano(2), M. Papa(1), S. Pirrone(1), G. Politi(1)(4), F. Rizzo(2)(4), P. Russotto(2), D. V. Sicari(6), and M. Trimarchi(1)(7)
1 INFN sezione di Catania,...
The second 0$^+$ excited state of ${}^{12}$C, also known as the Hoyle state, has a key role in the synthesis of the elements. It is also believed to possess a rather unusual structure where the dominant degrees of freedom are those of $\alpha$ clusters rather than nucleons [1]. Whereas the understanding of the properties of this state has been the focus of a major experimental activity, its...
In this talk, I will review some recent achievements in the study of clustering in light and medium mass nuclei. In particular, I will discuss some results in the rush to the discovery of possible direct decays of the Hoyle state in 12C, that has been performed both by using nuclear reactions at low and medium energies. I will also discuss some results obtained in the analysis of 13C and 20Ne...
The use of Energy Density Functional (EDF) method within a relativistic framework showed, this last decades, that it can both describe the bulk properties of nuclei (radii, ground state energy, binding energy, ...) [1] as well as clusters formation[2]. The study of cluster structures allow for many applications ranging from $\alpha$ or cluster decay to fission or many different kinds of...
F. Risitano 1,2,* , L. Acosta 1,3 , G. Cardella 1 , E. De Filippo 1 , D. Dell’Aquila 4,5 , F. Favela 1,3 , E. Geraci 1,6 , B. Gnoffo 1,6 , I. Lombardo 1 , C. Maiolino 5 , N.S. Martorana 5,6 , A. Pagano 1 , E.V. Pagano 5 , M. Papa 1 , S. Pirrone 1 , G. Politi 1,6 , F. Rizzo 5,6 , P. Russotto 5 , A. Trifirò 1,2 , M. Trimarch i1,2
1) INFN-Sezione di Catania, Italy
2) Dipartimento MIFT,...