23–26 nov. 2021
Fuseau horaire Europe/Paris


Thanks to the support for conference of NUPECC, the scientific committee has attributed 3 awards for the best talk done by a PHD student and 1 for post-doc.

The laureates are: 

           - Hoa Dinh Thi (LPC Caen/GANIL, France), PHD

           - Florian Mercier (IJCLab Orsay, France), PHD

           - Fabio Risitano (Univ. Messina and INFN Sez. di Catania, Italy), PHD

           - Alberto Camaiani (KU Leuven, Belgium), Post-Doc

The awards consist of a 250€ prize for each laureate. They have been attributed during a special session at the end of the workshop by Dr Marek Lewitowicz, chair of NUPECC, and some members of the scientific committee.


NUPECC awards at IWM-EC 2021. From left to right: H. Dinh Thi (LPC Caen), Florian Mercier (IJCLab), Giuseppe Politi (Univ. Catania & INFN Sez. di Catania), Manuel Camaano (Univ. Santiago da Compostela), Marek Lewitowocz (GANIL, chair of NUPECC), Olivier Lopez (LPC Caen, chair of the scientific committee), and Diego Gruyer (LPC Caen).