23–26 nov. 2021
Fuseau horaire Europe/Paris

Negative heat capacity for hot nuclei: confirmation with formulation from the microcanonical ensemble.

23 nov. 2021, 17:15
Maison d'hôtes (GANIL, Caen)

Maison d'hôtes


Bd Henri Becquerel, 14000 Caen
Regular talk Negative heat capacity for hot nuclei: confirmation with formulation from the microcanonical ensemble Nuclear Dynamics : from fission to multifragmentation


Dr BORDERIE, Bernard (IJCLab Orsay, France)


B. Borderie et al. - INDRA Collaboration

By using freeze-out properties of multifragmenting hot nuclei produced in quasi-fusion central 129 Xe+ nat Sn collisions at different bombarding energies (32, 39, 45 and 50 AMeV) which were estimated by means of a simulation based on experimental data collected by the 4π INDRA multidetector, heat capacity in the thermal excitation energy range 4 - 12.5 AMeV was calculated from total kinetic energies and multiplicities at freeze-out. The microcanonical formulation was employed. Negative heat capacity which signs a first order phase transition for finite systems is observed and confirms previous results using a different method.

Eur.Phys. J. A., Letter to the Editor 56 (2020) 101

Auteur principal

Dr BORDERIE, Bernard (IJCLab Orsay, France)

Documents de présentation