01. Open questions in Cosmic inflation physics (Kiritsis)
Cosmic Inflation - Theory.pdf
Predictive Physics of Inflation and Grand Unification for and from the CMB observations.pdf
SUSY Cosmic Inflation.pdf
Predictive Physics of Inflation and Grand Unification for and from the CMB observations.pdf
SUSY Cosmic Inflation.pdf
02. Open questions in the Dark Sector physics (Steer)
03. Dark Sector (Serpico)
Cosmological probes of the dark sector.pdf
Nucléosynthèse primordiale et contraintes observationnelles.docx
Nucléosynthèse primordiale et contraintes observationnelles.docx
04. Cosmology with SN (Regnault)
Peculiar velocity cosmology with type Ia supernovae_v2.pdf
Constraints on the Dark Energy equation of state with Type Ia Supernovae.pdf
Constraints on the Dark Energy equation of state with Type Ia Supernovae.pdf
05. Cosmology with Clusters (Combet)
06. Cosmology with LSS (Roucelle)
Cosmological large-scale structures analysis in the context of LSST.pdf
Survey Synergies with Machine Learning.pdf
Survey Synergies with Machine Learning.pdf
07. Future ground-based redshift galaxy surveys / DESI, MSE (Escoffier)
08. Cosmology with 21 cm (Perdereau)
09. Cosmology with CMB in space (Errard)
Cosmic inflation and fundamental physics from space (LiteBIRD).pdf
The third sky programme.pdf
Cosmology with a spectro-polarimetric survey of the microwave sky.pdf
The third sky programme.pdf
Cosmology with a spectro-polarimetric survey of the microwave sky.pdf
10. Cosmology with ground based CMB experiments (Louis)
Cosmic Inflation Observation from the Ground-Based CMB Polarization Experiments.pdf
Fundamental physics from high resolution CMB experiments v2.pdf
Fundamental physics from high resolution CMB experiments v2.pdf
11. Instrumental developments for cosmology at mm-wavelenght (Torchinsky)
Cosmologie millimétrique du futur développements instrumentaux critiques.pdf
12. Table ronde