9–10 déc. 2019
LPSC Grenoble
Fuseau horaire Europe/Paris

Liste des contributions

01. Open questions in Cosmic inflation physics (Kiritsis)
02. Open questions in the Dark Sector physics (Steer)
03. Dark Sector (Serpico)
04. Cosmology with SN (Regnault)
05. Cosmology with Clusters (Combet)
06. Cosmology with LSS (Roucelle)
07. Future ground-based redshift galaxy surveys / DESI, MSE (Escoffier)
08. Cosmology with 21 cm (Perdereau)
          Cosmologie a 21 cm.pdf
09. Cosmology with CMB in space (Errard)
10. Cosmology with ground based CMB experiments (Louis)
11. Instrumental developments for cosmology at mm-wavelenght (Torchinsky)
12. Table ronde