8–12 juin 2020
Via Zoom
Fuseau horaire Europe/Paris

The unreasonable effectiveness of semi-classical gravity without microstructure.

11 juin 2020, 14:30
Via Zoom

Via Zoom

Friday Zoom link : https://zoom.us/j/98783299477


Ahmed Almheiri


This talk will be about some surprising results from the semi-classical description of black holes. I will describe how this regime captures both the Hayden-Preskill protocol as well as the Page curve of evaporating black holes, indicative of unitary evaporation. The main tool will be the Island formula, as extension of the holographic entropy prescription to computing the entropy of the Hawking radiation. I will briefly mention how this formula is derived from a nonperturbative contributions to the replica trick.

Recorded version: https://youtu.be/wzVMDrfaRXA

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