Takashi Abe, RIKEN - Alpha clustering in atomic nuclei from first principles
Richard Baum, CURANOSTICUM-Wiesbaden - Treatment of metastatic cancer by Radiomolecular Precision Oncology: an ongoing revolution
Daniele Brugnara, INFN Legnaro - The AGATA γ-ray tracking array at the LNL TANDEM-ALPI-PIAVE facility
Heather Crawford, LBNL - FRIB and the Neutron-Rich Mg Isotopes
Bishawarup Das, GSI - The Decay Spectroscopy Setup at the GSI-FAIR fascility and the physics results from FAIR-0
Charlotte Duchemin, CERN - CERN-MEDICIS: a unique facility for the production of non-conventional radionuclides for medical research
Liam Gaffney, U. Liverpool - Nuclear collectivity studied with the newly refurbished Miniball spectrometer at HIE-ISOLDE
Aaron Gallant, LLNL - From Tensor Currents to Solar Neutrinos: Precision Beta-Decay Studies of 8Li and 8B
Ronald Garcia Ruiz, MIT - Probing Nuclear and Particle Physics Phenomena with Radioactive Molecules
Giuliano Giacalone, U. Heidelberg - Accessing nuclear structure with high-energy nuclear collisions
Jerome Giovinazzo, LP2I-Bordeaux - Proton radioactivity studies with ACTAR TPC
Ruben de Groote, KU-Leuven - Studies of exotic isotopes using laser ionization techniques and trapped ion techniques
Jason Holt, TRIUMF - Global ab initio calculations for the structure of exotic and heavy nuclei
Ben Kay, ANL - Studies of Weakly-Bound, Neutron-Rich Nuclei using HELIOS and SOLARIS
Yosuke Kondo, TITECH - Extremely neutron-rich nuclei beyond the drip line
Agnieszka Korgul, U. Warsaw - β-decay studies of neutron-rich isotopes in the region around double-magic 132Sn
Sandro Kraemer, LMU-Munich - Observation of the radiative decay of the low energy thorium-229 isomer: En route towards a nuclear clock
Annika Lennarz, TRIUMF - Studies of astrophysically important reactions using rare isotope beams at TRIUMF
Hilary Masenda, U. Witwatersrand - Materials Science with radioactive isotopes – results from emission Mössbauer Spectroscopy
Caterina Michelagnoli, ILL - High-resolution gamma-ray spectroscopy at a neutron beam: news from ILL
Byul Moon, IBS-Daejeon - High-resolution in-beam γ-ray spectroscopy at RIBF
Wei-Jia Ong, LLNL - What are the fingerprints of nucleosynthesis?
Takaharu Otsuka, U. Tokyo - Prevailing triaxial shapes in exotic and heavy nuclei
Sebastian Raeder, GSI - Laser spectroscopy of the Heaviest Elements
Valerii Panin, GSI - Observation of a correlated free four-neutron system
Rene Reifarth, U. Frankfurt - Nuclear astrophysics at storage rings (lecture sponsored by EPJA)
Moritz-Pascal Reiter, U. Edinburgh - Nuclear Structure investigations of most exotic nuclei via mass measurements at TITAN
Marco Rocchini, INFN Firenze - Axial Shape Asymmetry and Configuration Coexistence in Neutron-Rich 74Zn
Patricia Roussel-Chomaz, GANIL - Highlights of the GANIL-SPIRAL2 facility
Wouter Ryssens, ULB - Microscopic models of nuclear structure at scale
Darek Seweryniak, ANL - Super-allowed alpha decay to doubly-magic 100Sn
David Sharp, U. Manchester - Evolution of single-particle properties probed with the ISOLDE Solenoidal Spectrometer
Baohua Sun, Beihang U. - Charge-changing reactions of atomic nuclei and implications on the neutron skin thickness
Hiroshi Suzuki, RIKEN - Determination of the Neutron Dripline at F and Ne and Discovery of the Heaviest Na Isotope: 39Na
Juha Uusitalo, JYFL - Latest results from MARA
Marine Vandebrouck, CEA - Study of the Pygmy Dipole Resonance using neutron inelastic scattering at GANIL-SPIRAL2/NFS
Liss Vazquez Rodriquez, CERN/MPIK - Unravelling the mysteries of the atomic nucleus via high resolution laser spectroscopy at COLLAPS
Ulrich Wahl, U. Lisbon - Emission channeling investigations of impurities with interesting quantum properties in single crystals using radioactive isotopes
Anton Wallner, TU-Dresden - r process and supernovae deposits in deep-sea archives
Meng Wang, IMP-Lanzhou - Recent progress of mass measurements for short-lived nuclides at CSRe-Lanzhou