Sep 12 – 13, 2019
APC (AstroParticule & Cosmologie Labs)
Europe/Paris timezone

With the development of CMB Stage-IV in North America and the selection of LiteBIRD in Japan, the European CMB community needs to put medium- and long-term CMB planning in place in order to consolidate, exploit and extend the CMB expertise it has acquired in the last decade.

The meeting "Towards the Coordination of the European CMB program", September 12-13, 2019 at the AstroParticle/Cosmology (APC) Labs in Paris, France, will gather experiment builders, observers and agency representatives in a continuing effort to chart the necessary steps towards  European coordination on CMB experiments, including collaboration in technology development, and seeking synergy with similar efforts in other parts of the world.

The workshop coordinators are Carlo Baccigalupi, François Bouchet, Michael Brown, Anthony Challinor, Ken Ganga, Eiichiro Komatsu, Aniello Mennella, Enrique Martínez-Gonzalez, Joe Mohr and José-Alberto Rubiño-Martín.

This workshop is the 5th in the "Florence Process" meeting series, previous meetings being held in Florence. The agendas of these previous meeting can be found here for 2018, here for 2017, here for 2016, and here for 2015.

As seating is limited, registration has been closed. 

[APPEC Logo][Labex UnivEarthS Logo]

APC (AstroParticule & Cosmologie Labs)
Amphitheatre Pierre Gilles de Gennes (PGG or PGdG)
10, rue Alice Domon et Leonie Duquet (Basement Level in Building A) 75013 Paris, France If you haven't been here before, here's a link to a Google map: The meeting will be in the Pierre-Gilles de Gennes (sometimes abbreviated PGG or PGdG) amphitheater in the *basement* of the Condorcet building linked above.

Please abide by the guidelines presented here:

Note that the projector's screen size appears to be 1920x1080. We can probably change it to 1280*1024 as well.