20–22 mai 2019
University of Montpellier
Fuseau horaire Europe/Paris

This mini-workshop is aimed at gathering a few experts from different fields (mostly theoretical cosmology, Galactic dynamics, [astro]particle physics) to discuss current progress, issues, and prospects in the understanding of dark matter (DM). The focus is mostly on how different DM scenarios imprint subgalactic scales, and how these can in turn be used to discriminate among several classes of DM candidates. This is directly linked to the small-scale tensions the LCDM paradigm is currently facing, which could be related either to baryonic physics, specific dark matter properties, or both.

The number of (invited) participants is limited to ~20-30, and the philosophy may be summarized as: interactive, friendly, unveil the dust under the carpet(s), share knowledge or ideas,  trigger collaborative works. This is the fourth edition of this workshop series (previous editions: 2013, 2017, 2018).

The meeting will take place at the campus of the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Montpellier, in amphitheatre 10.01 (build. n°10) on Monday and Tuesday, and in amphitheatre 12.01 (build. n°12) on Wednesday - please check the campus map at this link. We will have lunch in the garden in front of the meeting room.

The main entrance of the Faculty is located Rue du Truel (no longer Place Eugène Bataillon), which you can reach by tram from the city center (tram line 1, the blue one, stop "Saint Eloi" or the next one, "Universités des Sciences et des Lettres") .

From downtown (where the railway station, or Place de la Comédie, are located), take this tram line (1, with the white swallows) toward "Mosson". To go back downtown, take the same line toward "Odysseum".
NB: you will have to purchase your tickets before boarding the tram (ticket machines at each stop).

This meeting is funded by the CNRS-IN2P3 Theory Project "Galactic Dark Matter" (PI J. Lavalle), by the CNRS-INSU National Programs PNHE and PNCG, and by the ANR under contract ANR-18-CE31-0006 (GaDaMa project).

Scientific organizers: B. Famaey, J. Lavalle.

Local organizers: G. Facchinetti, J. Lavalle, V. Poulin, M. Stref + A. Chenouf, C. Mercier.

Participants will include:

James Binney (U. Oxford), Kimberly Boddy (JHU), Mathieu Boudaud (LPTHE), Rodrigo Calderon (L2C), Sébastien Clesse (UC Louvain), Rupert Coy (L2C), Sacha Davidson (LUPM), Raphaël Errani (Edinburgh), Gaétan Facchinetti (LUPM), Benoit Famaey (Strasbourg), Jean-Baptiste Fouvry (IAS Princeton), Karsten Jedamzik (LUPM), Thomas Lacroix (IFT Madrid), Chervin Laporte (Victoria), Julien Lavalle (LUPM), Laura Lopez Honorez (ULB Brussels), Giacomo Monari (Potsdam), Riccardo Murgia (SISSA), Emmanuel Nezri (LAM), Arturo Nunez (LAM), Mihal Petac (SISSA), Annalisa Pillepich (MPIA Heidelberg), Vivian Poulin (LUPM), Yuxiang Qin (SNS Pisa), Simon Rozier (IAP), Pierre Salati (LAPTh), Tristan Smith (Swarthmore), Martin Stref (LUPM), and several MSc students.

Commence le
Finit le
University of Montpellier
Faculty of Science - room 10.01
Place Eugène Bataillon 34095 Montpellier Cedex 05