I will present results about the relationship between the hierarchical structuring of bacterial chromosomes observed in HiC experiments and the 1D functional partitioning of genomes obtained from comparative genomics.
Mammalian genome are organized into structural units known as Topological Associating Domains (TADs), with CTCF protein being enriched at their borders. Mammalian genomic imprinting provides a unique paradigm to explore intra-cellular differences in chromatin 3D-structuration.
In this presentation, I will focus on the two conserved paternally-imprinted domains in mammals, the Igf2-H19 and...
In the last few years, several models of the spatio-temporal replication program in eukaryotic cells were proposed in the literature. We proposed a simpler model with natural hypothesis that reproduces the frequency of new replication origin firing per length of unreplicated DNA along the S-phase, I(t), a fundamental quantity which present a universal bell shape in eukaryotes. Our model also...
Embryogenesis is the process by which a single fertilized cell is turned into a multi-cellular organism. It is a process involving coordinated dynamics at multiple scales, from single molecules, to cells, to tissues, to organs. Dynamical processes in biology are studied using an ever-increasing number of microscopy techniques, each of which brings out unique features of the system. To learn...
The MNase protocol makes it possible to experimentally study the positioning of the nucleosomes along the genome. Studying the effects of point mutations on this positioning can help us to understand how the DNA sequence encodes nucleosomes positions.
We propose to use deep neural networks to provide a tool to study the effect of single mutations at a genome wide scale . We trained a deep...
Le confinement des espèces chimiques à l’intérieur du cytoplasme est capital pour l’organisation spatio-temporelle de l’activité cellulaire. Les cellules compartementalisent en effet l’espace cytoplasmique en utilisant soit des vésicules membranaires soit des organelles sans membranes. Pour ces dernières, les cellules peuvent utiliser la séparation de phase pour créer des régions localisées à...