Olivier Martineau
(IN2P3), Prof.
XiangPing Wu
25/04/2019 10:30
Ke Fang
(Stanford University)
25/04/2019 12:25
25/04/2019 14:45
Possible questions to be discussed: change name to GRAND300? Paper(s) presenting project in details? R&D towards GRAND10k? Data management plan?
25/04/2019 15:15
How to share work load? What shoudl we do with GRAND neutrino sensitivity analysis? How could we bring more peope in GRAND?
25/04/2019 15:35
Contract for site, MoU, LoI
25/04/2019 16:05
Situation and prospects in China? Elsewhere in the world?
felix riehn
(LIP, Lisbon)
25/04/2019 16:45
RuoYu Liu
25/04/2019 17:15
Valentin Decoene
(Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris)
25/04/2019 17:35
Valentin Niess
(LPC, Clermont)
26/04/2019 08:30
Anne Zilles
26/04/2019 09:00
Bruno Lago, Prof.
João Torres de ello Neto, Dr
Marcio Müller, Dr
Rogerio Menezes de Almeida
26/04/2019 09:30
From remote
Matias Tueros
(Instituto de Física La Plata)
26/04/2019 09:50
Valentin Decoene
(Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris)
26/04/2019 10:10
Charles Timmermans
(Nikhef/Radboud University Nijmegen)
26/04/2019 10:50
Presentation given by René Habraken
Junhua Gu
(National Astronomical Observatories, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
26/04/2019 11:05
Charles Timmermans
(Nikhef/Radboud University Nijmegen)
26/04/2019 11:15
Presentation given by René Habraken
Miguel Mostafa
(Penn State Univ.)
26/04/2019 13:30
Junhua Gu
(National Astronomical Observatories, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
26/04/2019 14:50