November 16, 2018
Europe/Paris timezone

Machine Learning techniques have experienced a huge development in the last years so that they appear to be unvaluable tools to help designing better detectors, making breakthroughs in reconstruction techniques. Such algorithms can also help to distinguish signals from backgrounds and improve calibration of detector response. On the phenomenological side, they can also help to better use experimental data to reject models with a huge number of free parameters or to infer value of parameters of a given model from experimental measurements.

This ILP (Institut Lagrange de Paris) day is organised at IHP (Institut Henri Poincaré) and will allow to make the connection between the ILP community and different experts in the field of Machine Learning.

Organisation : F. Derue, B. Fuks, B. Laforge, L. Roos, B. Wandelt

Amphithéatre Hermite
Institut Henri Poincaré 11 rue Pierre et Marie Curie 75231 Paris Cedex 05