5–7 nov. 2018
Fuseau horaire Europe/Paris

The GDR-InF annual workshop will take place in Arles.

In this workshop we will gather together to discuss our current research activities and plan the future ones within the GDR-InF. 

Topics will be:

1) highlights of the most recent results from the intensity frontier;

2) presentations of the ongoing work of students and postdocs;

3) proposal of projects and new collaborations within the GDR-InF;

4) outcome of the ESPP and preparation for the IN2P3 prospectives.   


Organizing committee: Yasmine Amhis, Aoife Bharucha, Matthew Charles, Mark Goodsell, Diego Guadagnoli, Emi Kou, Jean-Francois Marchand, Stephane Monteil, Francesco Polci, Stephanie Roccia, Justine Serrano, Christopher Smith, Ana Teixeira.   

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Best Western Hotel Atrium https://www.bestwestern.fr/fr/hotel-Arles-Best-Western-Hotel-Atrium-93603 https://goo.gl/maps/USktWr29oUp