27 mai 2019 à 5 juin 2019
Fuseau horaire Europe/Paris

F. Carotenuto: The new black hole transient MAXI J1348-630 observed through MeerKAT’s eyes

31 mai 2019, 18:00
Amphitheatre (Cargèse)



Institut d’Etudes Scientifiques de Cargèse Menasina F-20130 CARGÈSE


Francesco Carotenuto (Université de Paris, CEA/Saclay-Irfu/Dap/AIM)


The very bright transient MAXI J1348-630 was discovered in X-rays by MAXI in January 2019 and was then detected also in radio and optical. Immediately after its discovery, it was classified as a black hole candidate based on its X-ray behaviour.
We present an intense radio monitoring of the transient at 1.284 GHz with the new MeerKAT radio interferometer (64 antennas) located in the Karoo desert in South Africa, as part of the ThunderKAT Large Survey Programme. All typical X-ray spectral states have been observed. A strong radio flare (likely associated with an ejection event) was detected coincidently with a transition from the hard to the soft accretion state, as inferred from Swift and INTEGRAL observations. We discuss the overall behaviour of this binary during its outburst, along with results from the multi-wavelength campaign.

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