gSPEC workshop

Milan, Italy

Milan, Italy

University of Milan
R. Lozeva (CNRS), J. Gerl (GSI), A. Stuchbery (ANU), G. Georgiev (CNRS/ANU), T. Mertzimekis

g-factor measurements at GSI/FAIR

  • Adriana Martinou
  • Alexander Herlert
  • Anatoly Barzakh
  • Andres Illana Sison
  • Andrew Stuchbery
  • Andrey Blazhev
  • Asli Kusoglu
  • de Groote Ruben
  • Diego Alejandro Torres Galindo
  • Georgi Georgiev
  • Giovanna Benzoni
  • Hubert Grawe
  • Ivan Kojouharov
  • Jean-Charles THOMAS
  • Jürgen Gerl
  • Magda Gorska
  • Manju Yadav
  • Matej Lipoglavsek
  • Matjaz Vencelj
  • Radomira Lozeva
  • Rudrayjoti Palit
  • S.N. Mishra
  • Samit Mandal
  • Sudipta Saha
  • Theo J. Mertzimekis
  • Tilen Brecelj
  • Vladimir Manea
  • Volker Werner
  • Xiaofei Yang
  • Zsolt Podolyak
    • Welcome
    • gSPEC and technical feasibilities at GSI/FAIR
      • 1
        Physics, Moments and Challenges
        Orateur: Prof. Andrew Stuchbery (ANU)
      • 2
        FAIR status
        Orateur: Dr Alexander Herlert (FAIR)
      • 3
        DESPEC campaigns and detectors
        Orateur: Dr Jürgen Gerl (GSI/FAIR)
      • 4
        FRS and SuperFRS conditions
        Orateur: Dr Sudipta Saha (GSI/FAIR)
      • 5
        gSPEC simulations
        Orateur: Dr Theodoros Mertzimekis (U. Athens)
    • 16:05
      Coffee break
    • gSPEC and technical feasibilities at GSI/FAIR
      • 6
        From g-RISING to gSPEC
        Orateur: Dr Radomira Lozeva (CSNSM CNRS/IN2P3)
      • 7
        g-factor measurements performed at LISE/GANIL
        Orateur: Dr Jean-Charles Thomas (GANIL)
      • 8
        g-factor measurements at TIFR


        Orateur: Prof. Rudrajyoti Palit (TIFR)
      • 9
        Nuclear magnetic moments in the Pb region: recent results and perspectives
        Orateur: Prof. Anatoly Barzakh (NPI St. Petersbourg)
      • 10
        Magnetic moment measurements to study the nuclear structure of medium and high-spin states


        Orateur: Prof. Diego Torres (U. Colombia)
    • 20:00
  • vendredi 28 septembre
    • Physics cases: gSPEC physics cases
      • 11
        Two-step fragmentation


        Orateur: Dr Georgi Georgiev (ANU/CSNSM)
      • 12
        g-factors and Q-moments near closed shells
        Orateur: Dr Hubert Grawe (GSI)
      • 13
        Parameter-free predictions about deformation
        Orateur: Dr Adriana Martinou, (INPP Demokritos)
      • 14
        g-factor measurements and perspectives for experiments at FAIR
        Orateur: Dr Asli Kusoglu (U. Istanbul)
      • 15
        Nuclear moments of exotic isotopes in the Ni region
        Orateur: Prof. Xiaofei Yang (U. Peking)
    • 10:25
      Coffee break
    • Physics cases: gSPEC physics cases
      • 16
        g-factor measurement in-beam and by decay spectroscopy
        Orateur: Dr Volker Werner (TU Darmstadt)
      • 17
        Laser spectrosopy near Z=28 and Z=50
        Orateur: Dr Ruben De Groote (U. Juväskylä)
      • 18
        Laser spectroscopy measurements of nuclei near 100Sn and 132Sn
        Orateur: Dr Kieran Flanagan (U. Manchester)
      • 19
        Isomers in p-rich and n-rich A~100 nuclei
        Orateur: Dr Andrey Blazhev (U. Cologne)
      • 20
        Isomers in heavy n-rich nuclei
        Orateur: Prof. Zsolt Podolyak (U. Surrey)
      • 21
        g-factor measurements at Delhi
        Orateur: Prof. Samit Mandal (U. Delhi)
      • 22
        Discussions & Summary of the workshop
        Orateurs: Dr Radomira Lozeva (CSNSM, CNRS/IN2P3), Prof. Andrew Stuchbery (ANU)
    • 13:15