28 mai 2018 à 1 juin 2018
Fuseau horaire Europe/Paris

Practical information

Travelling to La Londe-les-Maures


If you plan to take the bus between Toulon railway station and La Londe Les Maures, you should specify this in your registration sheet!

- Bus departure from Toulon railway station on 28/05 fixed at 11h30. The bus should have a sign with the school poster, or possibly just saying "CNRS". If your train is a little bit delayed, please get in touch with Romain Kukla [+33 (0)6 31 02 12 18] or Marie Aubert [+33 (0)6 30 53 24 26] who should be at the bus, to possibly have the bus start a little bit late.

- Bus departure from La Londe on 01/06 fixed at 13h30, arrival before 15h00 at Toulon railway station

Going to Odalys in La Londe-les-Maures

Résidence Odalys Les Océanides

395, boulevard de la plage de l’Argentière

Google map

Reception: Tel: +33 (0)4 94 15 30 92

You can find a map of the resort here. You can get the key to your room from the reception. The meeting room ("Argentière") and coffee breaks are in the same building.

Weather forecast



Odalys resort provides a wifi with a small bandwidth to the outside world. For the school, we will install four 4G routers, which should bring the total bandwidth to a sufficient level, in particular for the hands-on sessions, provided the following guidelines are followed:

  • follow instructions to install anaconda3 (see below) before coming

  • use your own 4G connection if you can

  • only connect one device at a time (laptop or phone)

  • disable automatic synchronisation software (google drive, dropbox, cernbox…)


Hands on Sessions: before coming

To be able to participate actively to the hands-on sessions (and not watch as a demo), please bring a laptop with a Terminal emulator and with anaconda3 installation. See separate menu page.


Emergency only

If you are in trouble and need assistance from the organisers, you can reach Yann Coadou at coadou@cppm.in2p3.fr or +33 (0)6 01 59 29 34.