8–12 juil. 2019
Cité des Congrès
Fuseau horaire Europe/Paris

A New Superhard Nitride Superconductor

8 juil. 2019, 17:30
Salle GH (Cité des Congrès)

Salle GH

Cité des Congrès


Dr Marie-Aude Méasson (CNRS-Insitut Néel)


We report the discovery of superconductivity in a new family of orthorhombic Tantalum nitride synthesised under high pressure and stable after pressure releasing, with a superconducting transition temperature T$_c$ of 3K at ambient pressure, that reaches 9~K at 18~GPa. This compound exhibits a unique combination of structural and electronic properties, with a very high hardness combined with a significant ductility and high fracture toughness together with a superconducting phase. Interesingly, low oxygen content has been detected with a large effect on the T$_c$. This potential doping effect together with potential superconducting coupling via light element nitrogen ions phonons and strong covalent bonds makes this new family promising for the search of high-T$_c$ light-element-based superconductors.

Choix de session parallèle 1.2 La supraconductivité par couplage électron-phonon dans les composé à éléments légers: vers la température ambiante?

Auteurs principaux

Dr Amit Pawbake (Institut Néel-CNRS) Prof. Andreas Zerr (LSPM-CNRS) Adrien Rosuel (CNRS) Prof. André Sulpice (UGA-CNRS) Dr Pierre Rodière (CNRS-Institut Néel) Prof. Manolo Nunez-Regueiro (CNRS-Institut Néel) Dr Thierry Klein (UGA-CNRS) Prof. Christophe Marcenat (CEA-Grenoble) Dr Matteo d'Astuto (CNRS-Institut Néel) Dr Marie-Aude Méasson (CNRS-Insitut Néel)

Documents de présentation

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