8–12 juil. 2019
Cité des Congrès
Fuseau horaire Europe/Paris

Turbulences in coherently driven polaritons superfluids

Non programmé
Auditorium 450 (Cité des Congrès)

Auditorium 450

Cité des Congrès

5, rue de Valmy, Nantes, France Site web : https://lacite-nantes.fr/


Dr Simon Pigeon (Laboratoire Kastler Brossel)


Exciton-polaritons, microcavity half-matter half-light quasi-particles, when resonantly driven exhibit a superfluid regime. Accordingly, topological excitations similar to those predicted in equilibrium superfluids may spontaneously appear [1,2]. However, the non-equilibrium nature of polaritons requires the system to be continuously pumped to compensate for losses. This driving plays a crucial role in the formation and dynamics of such topological excitations tending to inhibit their formation [1].

I will present a recent breakthrough allowing to simultaneously extended the fluid propagation distance and to release the constraints imposed by the resonant driving [3]. This fully optical method, exploiting optical bistability present in these systems, allows for accurate hydrodynamics study of polariton superfluid and for a deterministic control of excitation taking place is this unconventional fluid of light.
I will report the experimental validation of the proposal.

[1] S. Pigeon, I. Carusotto and C. Ciuti, Phys. Rev. B, 83, 144513 (2010).
[2] A. Amo, S. Pigeon, D. Sanvitto, V. G. Sala, R. Hivet, I. Carusotto, F. Pisanello, G. Leménager, R. Houdré, E. Giacobino, C. Ciuti and A. Bramati, Science 332 1167 (2011).
[3] S. Pigeon and A. Bramati, New J. Phys. 19 095004 (2017).

Choix de session parallèle 2.3 Fluides quantiques et lumière

Auteurs principaux

Dr Simon Pigeon (Laboratoire Kastler Brossel) Mme Anne Maitre (Laboratoire Kastler Brossel) M. Giovanni Lerario (Laboratoire Kastler Brossel) Prof. Élisabeth Giacobino (Laboratoire Kastler Brossel) Prof. Quentin Glorieux (Laboratoire Kastler Brossel) Prof. Alberto Bramati (Laboratoire Kastler Brossel)

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