The Belle-2 experiment is preparing itself for initial data collection in the upcoming months. The anticipated physics program is wide and diverse, ranging from dark photon searches to anomalies in precisions measurements of B meson decays. A brief overview of the Belle-2 experiment, detector and collider, and its current status will be presented.
Measurements of top production in the LHCb acceptance have particular sensitivity to high values of Bjorken-x, and offer complementary PDF constraints to measurements at the central detectors. In addition, the higher contribution from quark-initiated production to top pair production in the forward region leads to a larger expected charge asymmetry at LHCb than at the other experiments.
While Jarlskog-like flavor invariants are adequate for estimating CP-violation from closed fermion loops, non-invariant structures arise from rainbow-like processes.
For the CKM contributions to the quark EDM, or the PMNS contributions to lepton EDMs, the dominant diagrams have a rainbow topology whose flavor structure does not collapse to flavor invariants. Numerically, they are found...
The measurements of differential (in the fiducial phase space) and production mode cross sections are presented in the $H\rightarrow\gamma\gamma$ decay channel using $36~\text{fb}^{-1}$ data collected by the ATLAS detector at a centre of mass energy of $\sqrt{s}=13~\text{TeV}$. These characterise $pp\rightarrow H\rightarrow\gamma\gamma$ processes in a variety of ways; production mode cross...