Mar 10 – 17, 2018
Europe/Paris timezone

Preparing contributions to the proceedings (NEW)

DEADLINE : May 15th, 2018


Let us thank you again for your contributions to Moriond EW, both in terms of presentation and active participation in the conference. We will make the proceedings of the conference available on the web and will edit them as a book as quickly as possible.


We remind you that the deadline for proceedings submission is May 15.

May we ask you to upload your paper, both source files (LaTeX, etc.) and the processed version (pdf, postscript) to this indico server. As a contributor, you should have received an email telling you that material submission rights have been granted to you. You should all have a valid identifier on indico.in2p3 by now. The link for uploading your contribution is : ) ,

BUT please remember that IN ANY CASE a PDF version must  ALSO be sent to the conference secretatiat.

Email :

May we also suggest that you submit your contribution to the proceedings as an eprint to the repository.
This will ensure a long-term web persistence of your paper. Inform us of the submission number to AirXiv, by sending a mail to the secretary (specify that your proceedings are for the Moriond 2018 EW session)

Number of pages :

As to the length of the contribution, you are allowed :

  • 4 pages for talks shorter or equal to 10' (young scientist forum for example),
  • 2 pages per 5 min for talks longer than 10', i.e.
    15 min presentation + questions --> 6 pages
    20 min presentation + questions --> 8 pages
    ... etc...
  • Summary speakers, please contact us.

Typesetting instructions and templates

The speakers have to use the following 2 files to prepare the written version of their talk under Latex: moriond.tex (containing the publisher's instruction), and moriond.cls (the style file). They can be downloaded as a tar file. The result can be visualised on moriond.pdf.
The speakers should send all files (.tex, figures and .pdf) possibly as a .tar.gz file - compressed tar - to Vera de Sa-Varanda.



In case you do not use LaTeX, please comply to the general typesetting instructions which can be found here.

Should you have any further questions, please contact us at