5:00 PM
Lepton flavour universality (LFU) tests in B decays as a probe for new physics
Christoph Langenbruch
(University of Warwick)
5:20 PM
UV-complete model for B anomalies and SM flavor hierarchies
Javier Fuentes-Martin
(University of Zurich)
5:40 PM
Search for leptoquarks in CMS
Yuta Takahashi
(University of Zurich)
6:00 PM
Isospin asymmetry for B to K* gamma & hint for B+ to mu+ nu (|Vub|) (Belle)
Gagan Mohanty
(Tata Institute of Fundamental Research)
6:40 PM
Flavour anomalies and UV completion after R_K (*)
Marco Nardecchia
7:00 PM
Various |Vcs| measurements in Ds+, D0 decays and LU test in D -> pi l nu decays
Huijing Li
(The institute of High Energy Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
7:20 PM
A viable scenario to accommodate current B-physics anomalies
7:40 PM
"K+ -> pi+ nunubar: first NA62 results"
Radoslav Marchevski
(Johannes Gutenberg University, Mainz)
8:00 PM
Status of KL→π0νν analysis at J-PARC KOTO
Kota Nakagiri
(Kyoto University)