A critical reexamination of the assumptions used in the extraction of Vcb
from B->Dlv leads to unexpected results. The same approach can be used for the SM prediction of R(D).
In my talk, I will try to address three questions:
(1) From a model builder's perspective, why does it make sense to consider the common origin of the neutral and charged current B-anomalies?
(2) Where is the new mass scale and what are the main model building blocks?
(3) Which are the most relevant non-observations to be tackled by a successful model?
Rare decays of known hadrons are sensitive probes for deviations of the dynamics with respect to the Standard Model one.
In this contribution we review the status of the rare b to sll transitions
as studied in b-hadrons produced in pp collisions at the LHC.
We examine gauged flavour models that could account for the anomalies in B physics