

MUGAST Tech ICC Workshop



Thursday November 9

13 :30 - 14 :10 Introduction

     - Welcome G de France (GANIL)

     - Introduction D Beaumel (IPNO)

     - Status of MUGAST M Assié (IPNO)

14:10 - 16:30 Electronics and Data acquisition

    - AGATA Status and future plans A Gadea (IFIC Valencia)

    - AGATA Campaigns at VAMOS E Clément (GANIL)

    - AGATA-MUGAST-VAMOS Coupling A Matta (LPC)

    - GECO Interface (tbc)

    - Discussion

16:30 - 17:00 Coffee break

    - 17:00 - 18:30 direct reactions with VAMOS

    - 16O(6Li,d) proposal C. Diget (York)

    - 28Mg(d,p) proposal A. Matta (LPC)

    - Heavy residue detection with VAMOS A. Lemasson (GANIL)

    - Discussion

Social dinner (downtown)

Friday November 10

9:00 - 10:30 Mechanics/on-site installation

- MUGAST new chamber E Rindel (IPNO)

- Setup installation L Vatrinet (IPNO)

- The 3,4He target (tbc)

- Discussion

10:30 - 11:00 Coffee break

11:00 - 12:30

- MUGAST@VAMOS LoI D. Mengoni (Padova)

- Last plans for SPIRAL1 beams P Delahaye (GANIL)

- General discussion (future proposals, tritium target,…)