16–25 août 2017
Fuseau horaire Europe/Paris

Programme Miniworkshop

"Exceptional and ubiquitous Painlevé equations for Physics"

The miniworkshop from August 16th to August 18th will gather mathematicians and physicists to discuss the geometrical approach to Painlevé differential and difference equations. In particular the occurence of discrete groups of symmetries related to the exceptional Lie group E8 and connections to nonlinear integrable systems will be adressed. Solutions of Painlevé equations have appeared in many places over the years. Recently they were found in supersymmetric gauge theories and in topological string theory. A number of presentations will be introductory others will cover recent quantization, deformation and discretization issues. Exchanges will continue during the following week of the LPTENS Summer Institute.

Programme : 

Wednesday 16

Thursday 17 Friday 18
  9:30-10:30 Lisovyi    

9:30-10:30 Costin

  11:00-12:00 Saito

11:00-12:00 Casale

2:00-3:30 Loray 2:00-3:00 Tanzini

2:00-3:00 Grassi

4:00-5:00 Ruijsenaars 3:30-5:00 Yamada

3:30-4:30 Ruijsenaars










Talks :

  • Frank Loray : "Isomonodromic deformations and Painlevé equations"
  • Simon Ruijsenaars : "Integrable systems of Calogero-Moser type"
  • Oleg Lisovyi : "Painlevé functions, Fredholm determinants and combinatorics"
  • Masa-Hiko Saito : "Moduli spaces of connections and Higgs bundles over curves and Geometric Theory of equations of Painlevé type"
  • Alessandro Tanzini : "Painlevé / Gauge theory correspondence"
  • Yasuhiko Yamada : "Geometric aspects of discrete Painlevé equations"
  • Ovidiu Costin : "Asymptotic methods for the analysis of Painlevé equations"
  • Guy Casale : "Painlevé equations and differential Galois theories"
  • ​Alba Grassi : "Topological String, Spectral Theory and Painlevé equations"
  • Simon Ruijsenaars : "Relativistic Heun equation and their E8 spectral invariance"