CoDyCE - LIO international workshop on Fundamental Theories beyond the Standard Model

Salle Fontannes (Lyon)

Salle Fontannes


Bat. Darwin, Campus la Doua
Aldo Deandrea (IPNL), Giacomo Cacciapaglia (IPNL - Univ. Lyon 1)

The CoDyCE international workshop aims at discussing the new Run 2 results from the Large Hadron Collider and explore new and emerging models of physics beyond the standard model. It will be mainly dedicated to different aspects of fundamental theories beyond the Standard Model, including asymptotically safe extensions, fundamental composite Higgs models, QCD and lattice techniques applied to electroweak physics, relation to dark matter particle candidates. New ideas for understanding the fundamental nature of field theories will emerge.

The workshop is aimed at starting new collaborations and projects, so ample time will be left for discussion and collaborative work.

This year the venue will be the salle Fontannes, in the Building Darwin. The building is in front of the tram T1/T4 stop "Université Lyon 1" (see map below).

View Map salle Fontannes

How to reach Lyon: if you fly in the Lyon Exupery airport, you can easily reach Lyon by taking the express tram Rhonexpress to the central Lyon Part-Dieu train station.

How to reach the IPNL : take the tram T1 direction IUT Feyssine or T4 direction La Doua Gaston Berger and get off at the stop Universite Lyon 1. From there you can walk to the IPN: follow the tram track and turn on the first road on the left. The IPNL is down the road (click on the link below to see a map). Address: 4 rue Fermi, Villeurbanne

View Map IPNL






  • Alan Cornell
  • Aldo Deandrea
  • Alessandro Agugliaro
  • Alexandre Arbey
  • Anders Eller Thomsen
  • Borut Bajc
  • Francesco Sannino
  • Giacomo Cacciapaglia
  • Nazila Mahmoudi
  • Nicola Andrea Dondi
  • Nicolas Bizot
  • Noureddine Mebarki
  • Oleg Antipin
  • Robbins Glenn
  • stefania de curtis
  • Steven Abel
  • Tommi Alanne
  • Zhi-Wei Wang
    • 09:00 10:00
      Registration 1h Salle Fontannes

      Salle Fontannes


      Bat. Darwin, Campus la Doua
    • 10:00 10:45
      Challenges and ideas behind a fundamental theory of nature: Realising the Wilson dream (Francesco Sannino) 45m Salle Fontannes

      Salle Fontannes


      Bat. Darwin, Campus la Doua
    • 11:00 11:20
      Coffee break 20m Salle Fontannes

      Salle Fontannes


      Bat. Darwin, Campus la Doua
    • 11:20 13:00
      Discussion and working group set up 1h 40m Salle Fontannes

      Salle Fontannes


      Bat. Darwin, Campus la Doua
    • 13:00 14:30
      Lunch (Cantine Domus) 1h 30m
    • 14:30 15:15
      Towards an asymptotically safe Standard Model (Steven Abel) 45m Salle Fontannes

      Salle Fontannes


      Bat. Darwin, Campus la Doua

      I discuss recent and ongoing work which aims to embed the Standard Model within an asymptotically safe framework of known gauge Yukawa theories. It is shown that radiative symmetry breaking generically occurs in these models in much the same way as it does in the MSSM. I discuss how a natural assignment of SM matter fields points towards an extended Pati-Salam like structure

    • 15:30 16:15
      Supersymmetric UV safety (Borut Bajc) 45m Salle Fontannes

      Salle Fontannes


      Bat. Darwin, Campus la Doua

      I will review some recent developments in the search for supersymmetric candidates of UV safe theories. This includes examples in SQCD with adjoints, quivers, but also phenomenologically attractive grand unified theories like the minimal SO(10) with large representations. The test of UV-safety can potentially rule out some of these GUTs as possible high energy limits of the standard model.

    • 16:30 16:50
      Coffee break 20m Salle Fontannes

      Salle Fontannes


      Bat. Darwin, Campus la Doua
    • 17:00 18:00
      Discussion 1h Salle Fontannes

      Salle Fontannes


      Bat. Darwin, Campus la Doua
    • 20:00 22:00
      Dinner: Café des Federations 2h

      8-9-10 rue Major Martin
      69001 Lyon

    • 10:00 10:45
      Conformal window 2.0 (Oleg Antipin) 45m Salle Fontannes

      Salle Fontannes


      Bat. Darwin, Campus la Doua

      We extend the phase diagram of SU(N) gauge-fermion theories as function of number of flavours and colours to the region in which asymptotic freedom is lost. We argue, using large Nf results, for the existence of an ultraviolet interacting fixed point at sufficiently large number of flavours opening up to a second ultraviolet conformal window in the number of flavours vs colours phase diagram. We first review the state-of-the-art for the large Nf beta function and then estimate the lower boundary of the ultraviolet window. The theories belonging to this new region are examples of safe non-abelian quantum electro dynamics, termed here safe QCD. Therefore, according to Wilson, they are fundamental. An important critical quantity is the fermion mass anomalous dimension at the ultraviolet fixed point that we determine at leading order in 1/Nf. We discover that its value is comfortably below the bootstrap bound. We also investigate the abelian case and find that at the potential ultraviolet fixed point the related fermion mass anomalous dimension has a singular behaviour suggesting that a more careful investigation of its ultimate fate is needed.

    • 11:00 11:30
      TBA (Wang Zhi-Wei) 30m Salle Fontannes

      Salle Fontannes


      Bat. Darwin, Campus la Doua
    • 11:45 12:00
      Coffee break 15m Salle Fontannes

      Salle Fontannes


      Bat. Darwin, Campus la Doua
    • 12:00 13:00
      Discussion 1h Salle Fontannes

      Salle Fontannes


      Bat. Darwin, Campus la Doua
    • 13:00 14:30
      Lunch: Cantine Domus 1h 30m
    • 14:30 15:00
      TBA (Nicolas Bizot) 30m Salle Fontannes

      Salle Fontannes


      Bat. Darwin, Campus la Doua
    • 15:15 15:45
      UV complete models and the Higgs as a partially composite particle (Alessandro Agugliaro) 30m Salle Fontannes

      Salle Fontannes


      Bat. Darwin, Campus la Doua
    • 16:00 16:20
      Coffee break 20m Salle Fontannes

      Salle Fontannes


      Bat. Darwin, Campus la Doua
    • 16:30 18:00
      Discussion and Working Groups 1h 30m Salle Fontannes

      Salle Fontannes


      Bat. Darwin, Campus la Doua
    • 20:00 22:00
      Dinner: Brasserie Georges 2h

      30 Cours de Verdun Perrache,
      69002 Lyon

    • 10:00 10:30
      Some Aspects of Higgs Particles in the Compact 341 model (Noureddine Mebarki) 30m Salle Fontannes

      Salle Fontannes


      Bat. Darwin, Campus la Doua

      Some aspects of the Higgs particle and decay modes at the LHC are studied in the context of the compact 341 model. Moreover, as a byproduct, Baryogenesis is also investigated within this model. The existence of a strong first order electroweak phase transition (EWPT) was shown and Higgs masses regions fulfilling the EWPT criteria are also discussed

    • 10:45 11:15
      The production of additional bosons and the impact on the Large Hadron Collider (Alan Cornell) 30m Salle Fontannes

      Salle Fontannes


      Bat. Darwin, Campus la Doua
    • 11:30 11:50
      Coffee break 20m Salle Fontannes

      Salle Fontannes


      Bat. Darwin, Campus la Doua
    • 11:50 12:50
      Discussion 1h Salle Fontannes

      Salle Fontannes


      Bat. Darwin, Campus la Doua
    • 13:00 14:30
      Lunch: Cantine Domus 1h 30m
    • 14:30 17:30
      Working Groups 3h Salle Fontannes

      Salle Fontannes


      Bat. Darwin, Campus la Doua