Raphaël Tieulent
(Institut de Physique Nucléaire de Lyon)
05/09/2016 09:00
Michio Hashimoto
05/09/2016 09:15
Composite models are still attractive as new physics scenarios. For example, once some excesses are reported by experiments, many authors propose composite models matched with data. In the SM, Yukawa couplings are mysterious. I discuss the Yukawa coupling in walking gauge theories.
Michele Frigerio
05/09/2016 10:30
Kamila Kowalska
05/09/2016 11:30
Solène Le Corre
05/09/2016 15:15
Abstract : We study the two higgs doublet model with the mass of the heavy higgs set to 125GeV. We study the lighter Higgs of the model , constrain the different free parameters and see if we are sensitive at LHC at 8TeV in the h->gamma gamma channel.
Noureddine Mebarki
05/09/2016 16:30
Abstract: The effect of scalar and spinor gauged unparticles on the decay rates H--->gamma+Gamma and h--->Z+Gamma are considered. The theoretical results of the model are also discussed on the light of the latest data of the LHC experiments.
Marco Nardecchia
06/09/2016 11:15
Paul Jackson
06/09/2016 14:00
Marc Antoine Osherson
06/09/2016 15:00
Yann Mambrini
07/09/2016 09:00
Abstract : I will review in this presentation the last results and analysis in different approaches of dark matter, from the most effective construction to unified models of type SO(10) through portal-like scenario.
Oliver Witzel
07/09/2016 17:15