19–20 mai 2016
Fuseau horaire Europe/Paris

Liste des participants

50 participants

First Name Last Name Affiliation
Adam Maj IFJ PAN
Adibeyib Ngouana Camille University of Yaounde I
Alison Bruce University of Brighton
Andrea Gottardo IPN Orsay
Andrew Stuchbery The Australian National University
Anne Lefebvre-Schuhl CSNSM, CNRS
Aurelien Blanc Institut Laue Langevin
Bernard Genolini IPN Orsay
Bertram Blank CEN Bordeaux-Gradignan
Bogdan Fornal IFJ PAN, Krakow
Bruno Olaizola University of Guelph
Christelle Schmitt GANIL
Damian Ralet CSNSM
Daniel Napoli INFN-LNL
David Cullen The University of Manchester
David Jenkins University of York
David Verney IPN Orsay
Fadi Ibrahim IPN Orsay
Gary Simpson LPSC
Georgi Georgiev CSNSM
Janne Pakarinen University of Jyväskylä
Jean-Marc Regis IKP Cologne
Joa Ljungvall CSNSM
John Simpson STFC Daresbury Laboratory
Jonathan Wilson IPN Orsay
Juergen Gerl GSI
Jurgen Kiener CSNSM Orsay, CNRS et Univ. Paris-Sud
Liqiang QI IPN nester
M.Nizamettin Erduran Istanbul Zaim University
Magda Zielinska CEA Saclay
Maria Kmiecik IFJ PAN
Matthias Rudigier University of Surrey
Nicolae Marius Marginean IFIN-HH
Patrick Regan Univ. of Surrey & NPL, UK
Paul Greenlees University of Jyväskylä
Rashid Jabbar applied physics
Serge Franchoo ipn orsay
Silvia Lenzi INFN
Silvia Leoni University of Milano and INFN Milano
Sotirios Harissopulos NCSR Demokritos, Inst. of Nucl. and Part. Physics
Stephan Oberstedt European Commission, Joint Research Centre
Stephanie Roccia CSNSM
Thomas Materna SPHN / IRFU / CEA Saclay
Thorsten Kröll Institut für Kernphysik, TU Darmstadt
Victoria Vedia Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM)
Wolfram KORTEN CEA Saclay
Zsolt Podolyak University of Surrey