FJPPL Computing Project Annual Workshop



Fabio Hernandez (CC-IN2P3)

The goal of this workshop is to exchange experience and share ideas among experts of both KEK and IN2P3 computing centers. It is held in the framework of the France-Japan Particle Physics Laboratory. The agenda of the previous workshop is here.

This meeting is organized so that participants can attend partially and should feel free to attend only their talks of interest.

Instructions for speakers: please upload your slides to the agenda before your intervention starts by using your Indico account.

Annotated map of CC-IN2P3's area
CC-IN2P3 geo. coords - N 45.782709 , E 4.865241
Directions to get to CC-IN2P3
  • Loïc Tortay
  • Nadia LAJILI
  • Osman AIDEL
  • Quentin Le Boulc'h
  • Rolf Rumler
  • Sébastien Gadrat
  • Yvan Calas
    • 1
      Welcome & Introduction
      Orateur: Fabio Hernandez (CC-IN2P3)
    • 2
      Status and perspectives of CC-IN2P3
      The current status and the foreseen evolution of the CC-IN2P3 computing infrastructure will be presented, with an emphasis on the effort deployed for coping with increasing resource demands with a flat budget. This talk was cancelled with last minute notice. It is scheduled for next day. Apologies.
      Orateur: M. Benoit DELAUNAY (Centre de Calcul de l'IN2P3)
    • 3
      System configuration at KEKCC
      The new computing system at KEKCC, which will be installed next summer, will be presented.
      Orateur: Dr Tomoaki Nakamura (KEK/CRC)
    • 4
      Update and perspectives of CC-IN2P3 cloud platform
      An update on CC-IN2P3's cloud-based platform will be presented as well as the perspectives for its evolution in the next few months.
      Orateur: M. Mattieu Puel (CC-IN2P3)
    • 5
      Testbed for cloud computing and evaluation of Docker at KEK
      Docker SGE cluster + Swift erasure coding
      Orateur: M. Wataru Takase (KEK)
    • 12:10
    • 6
      Authorization extension for ElasticSearch + Kibana platform (Overview of the framework)
      Orateur: M. Wataru Takase (KEK)
    • 7
      Authorization extension for ElasticSearch + Kibana platform (Hands-on)
      Hands-on work. Please note that room 322 is reserved for this work.
      Orateurs: Dr Fabien Wernli (Sysadmin), M. Remi Ferrand (CC-IN2P3), M. Wataru Takase (KEK)
    • 8
      Perspectives for LHC computing
      Orateur: Renaud Vernet (CCIN2P3)
    • 9
      10Gpbs perfSONAR-based monitoring of network link between CC-IN2P3 and KEK
      Orateur: M. Laurent Caillat-Vallet (CC-IN2P3)
    • 10
      Status and perspectives of CC-IN2P3
      The current status and the foreseen evolution of the CC-IN2P3 computing infrastructure will be presented, with an emphasis on the effort deployed for coping with increasing resource demands with a flat budget. This talk is rescheduled, it was initially planned the day before.
      Orateur: M. Benoit DELAUNAY (Centre de Calcul de l'IN2P3)
    • 11
      Authorization extension for ElasticSearch + Kibana platform (hands-on continued)
      Hands-on work continued on room 322.
      Orateurs: Dr Fabien Wernli (Sysadmin), M. Remi Ferrand (CC-IN2P3), M. Wataru Takase (KEK)
    • 12
      Perspectives for EUCLID data processing at CC-IN2P3
      Orateur: M. Quentin Le Boulc'h (CC-IN2P3)
    • 13
      Computing accelerators at CC-IN2P3
      The current and foreseen activities regarding the exploitation of computing accelerators at CC-IN2P3 will be presented.
      Orateur: M. Nicolas Fournials (CC-IN2P3)
    • 14
      Initial experience using Apache Spark at CC-IN2P3
      A report on an exploratory work using Apache Spark for various use cases will be presented.
      Orateur: M. Osman AIDEL (IN2P3-CC Grid service)
    • 11:00
      Coffee and tea break
    • 15
      Summary of the hands-on session
      Orateurs: Dr Fabien Wernli (Sysadmin), M. Remi Ferrand (CC-IN2P3), M. Wataru Takase (KEK)
    • 12:15
    • 16
      Planning for next year FJPPL project
      Discussion for preparing the next proposal to be submitted to FJPPL call. To goal is to identify subjects of interest for both CC-IN2P3 and KEKCC and to determine possible ways of collaboration on those topics.
      Orateurs: Fabio Hernandez (CC-IN2P3), Dr Tomoaki Nakamura (KEK/CRC)