30 mai 2016 à 3 juin 2016
Fuseau horaire Europe/Paris


Registration Form

Ouvert 14 mars 2016
Fermé 15 mai 2016
Information de contact
crepe@in2p3.fr, baudot@in2p3.fr

Our quota of 45 registrants from CNRS has been extended: For the first registrants, no fee is required for the school. Lodging and meals are the charge of the SOS school. Travel will be at the expense of their laboratory. CEA personnel can still register, (confirmation mail might come with some delay). New registrants, we thank you for interest. Please register, and wait for the email from the organizer confirming or not your registration. Questions about registration shall be adressed to crepe@in2p3.fr, baudot@in2p3.fr.

L'inscription est fermée
La période d'inscription est passée.