The fifth edition of the IN2P3 School Of Statistics gives an overview of the concepts and tools used in particle physics, astro-particle physics and cosmology when probabilities and statistics come to play. In particular, this edition is dedicated to the use of multivariate discriminants in the framework of data analyses performed in collider physics.
This school is targeted towards PhD students and towards senior physicists, aiming at extending their knowledge and skills in the field of statistical tools and frameworks developed for their fields.
The school takes place in Autrans at "l'Escandille" from Monday May 30th to Friday June 3rd 2016.
The lectures are subdivided into three parts: a part reminding the fundamental concepts used in Probabilities, Statistics and Hypothesis testing applied to physics analysis; a part focusing on the presentation of the concept and basis of most popular multivariate techniques and used in data analyses; and a part dedicated to actual multivariate tools and framework dedicated to data analyses in High energy Physics.
All lectures will be given in english. The School of Statistics is supported by the CNRS/IN2P3.
Financial support:
Main support comes from CNRS/IN2P3 however SOS 2016 get also financial support from ENIGMASS, OCEVU and P2IO labex, CEA-Saclay and ILL, Paris-Saclay CDS and AMVA4NewPhysics ITN, CPPM and IPNL laboratories as well as administrative and technical support from LPSC.
Organizing Comittee:
S. Crépé-Renaudin (LPSC, Grenoble), J. Baudot (IPHC, Strasbourg), E. Busato (LPC, Clermont), F. Couderc (IRFU-SPP, Saclay), J. Donini (LPC, Clermont), O. Leroy (CPPM, Marseille)