Alex Pearce
(University of Manchester)
LHCb collected the world's largest sample of open charm decays during Run 1 of
the Large Hadron Collider. This has permitted many precision measurements of
charm mixing and $CP$ violation parameters, the most precise of which being
$\Delta A_{CP}$, a measurement of the relative strength of direct,
time-integrated $CP$ asymmetries between two singly-Cabibbo suppressed $D^{0}$
decays. This measurement has recently been updated using promptly-produced
$D^{0}$ mesons with the full Run 1 dataset, and has a precision below the permille
level. In addition, LHCb has recently made the first observation of $D^{0}$
mixing in a multibody $D^{0}$ decay, also measuring associated coherence
parameters which can be used as input to measurements of the CKM angle
$\gamma$. LHCb has also measured the mixing parameters $x$ and $y$ with a
model-independent analysis of $D^{0} \to K_{S}^{0}\pi^{+}\pi^{-}$ decays, and
the size of direct $CP$ violation in $D^{0} \to K_{S}^{0}K_{S}^{0}$ decays.
These four analyses will be presented, along with a brief overview of the
prospects for Run 2.
Auteur principal
Alex Pearce
(University of Manchester)