12–19 mars 2016
Fuseau horaire Europe/Paris

High-pT multi-jet final states at ATLAS and CMS @13 TeV

16 mars 2016, 17:40
Ordinary Experiment Beyond SM


Clemens Lange (University of Zurich)


The increase of the centre-of-mass energy of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) to 13 TeV has opened up a new energy regime. Final states including high-momentum multi-jet signatures often dominate beyond standard model phenomena, in particular as decay products of new heavy particles. While the potential di-photon resonance currently receives a lot of attention, multi-jet final states pose strong constraints on what physics models this observation could actually be. In this presentation, the latest results of the ATLAS and CMS collaborations in high-momentum multi-jet final states are presented. This includes searches for heavy resonances and new phenomena in the di-jets mass spectrum, di-jet angular distributions, and the sum of transverse momenta in different event topologies. Furthermore, results on leptoquark pair production will be shown. Particular focus is laid on the different background estimation methods.

Auteur principal

Clemens Lange (University of Zurich)

Documents de présentation