30 mars 2016 à 1 avril 2016
Fuseau horaire Europe/Paris

Social events

All participants are invited to attend two social events:

Welcome cocktail in the City Hall of Strasbourg on Wednesday 30th evening at 19h00

The city hall (Hôtel de Hanau) of Strasbourg is a historic building located on the Place Broglie in the city center of Strasbourg. It has been classified as a historical monument since 1921.


You will find the detailed information about how to get there by public transportations.

Option 1: Take Bus G from the stop “Arago” to “Gare Centrale” and then take Tram C (Direction Neuhot R. Reuss) to “Broglie” and then go by foot (~100 m)

Option 2: Take the Bus No. 19 from the stop “Haldenbourg” to “Rotonde” and then take the Tram A (Direction Lixenbuhl) or D to “Homme de Fer” and then go by foot (~500 m). You may also take the Tram C from “Homme de Fer” to “Broglie” and then go by foot (~100 m)

The estimated duration is 30 minutes.






Workshop dinner on Thursday 31th evening

The workshop dinner will take place in the restaurant "Maison Kammerzell".

Just take a moment to observe this veritable symbol of Strasbourg, which dates back to 1427, and see how the prestige of the past is married with a continued, yet reinvented, tradition of gastronomy.




You will find the detailed information about how to get there by public transportations.

Option 1: Take Bus G from the stop “Arago” to “Gare Centrale” and then take Tram A (Direction Lixenbuhl) or D to “Langstross/Grand Rue” and then go by foot (~350 m)

Option 2: Take the Bus No. 19 from the stop “Haldenbourg” to “Rotonde” and then take the Tram A (Direction Lixenbuhl) or D to “Langstross/Grand Rue” and then go by foot (~350 m)

The estimated duration is 30 minutes.




Boat ride: Strasbourg, 20 centuries of history


The excursion of the workshop is a boat ride on Friday afternoon, April 1st. The meeting point is at the "Place du Marché aux Poissons" at 3:30 pm. You will find the detailed information about how to get there by public transportations.

Option 1: Take the Bus No. 19 from the stop “Haldenbourg” to “Rotonde” and then take the Tram A or D to “Porte de l’ Hôpital” and then go by foot (~400 m)

Option 2: Take Bus G from the stop “Arago” to “Gare Centrale” and then take Tram A or D to “Porte de l’Hôpital” and then go by foot (~400 m)

The estimated duration is 40 minutes.


Discover all the most beautiful buildings in Strasbourg! The Ancienne Douane, the covered bridges, the Vauban dam, the Rhine Palace, Gallia, the European Parliament, the Palace of the Human Rights and many others. With them, we invite you to a real trip through the ages because more than two millennia of history in Strasbourg is narrated through the 3 emblematic districts of Strasbourg:
   The Big Island is the center of Strasbourg, surrounded by the two arms of the ILL River where you will browse. Its origin dates back to the establishment of a Roman camp in 12 BC. This sector has been classified, since 1988, as World Heritage site by UNESCO. You will see the Ancienne Douane House, the former ice houses, the covered Bridges, the Vauban dam, ENA.  You will have the unique opportunity to pass through 2 sluices.

    The Imperial or Neustadt district was built between 1871 and 1918 during the annexation of Alsace / Moselle by Germany.  This area has tripled the size of Strasbourg. In less than 50 years, Strasbourg was endowed with all the attributes of an imperial capital: the Rhine Palace to greet the German Emperor during his visits, the opera house, the Library, the Theater and an University that was the most modern in Europe at the moment of its creation.

    The European sector: at the end of the 2nd World War, Strasbourg was chosen as the headquarters of the Council of Europe, of what was then the European Community and today the European Union. All the buildings designed by renowned architects were built around the river on which you will navigate. ARTE, the Council of Europe, the European Parliament and its beautiful IPE4, the European Court of Human Rights ... will hold no secrets for you after your visit.




Strasbourg Walking Tour (~1h) : 

After the boat ride, you may continue the walking tour. Strasbourg is considered the daughter of the Rhine River. It is famous for its history, cathedrals, architecture and gastronomy. In this walking tour around the Cathedral Notre-Dame you will discover interesting historical sights.


The participants will be divided into three groups: one in Chinese language, one in English (or French), the third group (in English) is for people who are interested by astronomical clocks. The Strasbourg astronomical clock is located inside the Cathedral Notre-Dame. One of retired researcher of the IPHC, Dr. Pierre Juillot,  will share his passion with you.