Conference Dinner
The restaurant is fully booked up and will not accept those who registered late. If you think you can not make it but you are on this list send the orgnaisers an email at
The menu is here
Registered Participants for the Dinner |
Abada |
Arcadi |
Bélusca-Maïto |
Ballesteros |
Banerjee |
Barducci |
Basso |
Bélanger |
Bernon |
Bharucha |
Bizot |
Blossier |
Boudjema |
Boussarie |
Bruemmer |
Chatelain |
Da Silva |
Deandrea |
Delaunay |
Deutschmann |
Djouadi |
Drach |
Dreyer |
Flacke |
Franceschini |
Fuks |
Gonzalez-Alonso |
Guadagnoli |
Guillet |
Guilleux |
Hao |
Harz |
Herrmann |
Kavanagh |
Laa |
Lansberg |
Lavalle |
Le Corre |
Lespinasse |
Mahmoudi |
Mambrini |
Mawatari |
Medina |
Munier |
Petraki |
Pierre |
Pilon |
Poulin |
Putze |
R. Vazquez |
Re |
Verdier, Patrice (IN2P3) |
Sala |
Scarpa |
Sengupta |
Serpico |
Shao |
Sumensari |
Teixeira |
Toma |
Tresmontant |
Vale Silva |
Van Tiggelen, Bart (INP) |
Weiland |
Zafeiropoulos |
Zaro |
Ziegler |