Jacques Balossso
(Grenoble Hospital)
17/04/2007 09:00
Medical Applications
Oral presentation
Jérôme Mandrillon
(CAL-Médicyc-AIMA), Dr
Mathieu Conjat
17/04/2007 09:30
Medical Applications
Oral presentation
Joris Fourrier
17/04/2007 10:00
Medical Applications
Oral presentation
The computer code Zgoubi calculates charged particle trajectories in electric and
magnetic fields. It allows the study of complex sequences of optical elements such as
dipoles, quadrupoles, arbitrary multipoles, RF cavities and radial sector FFAG
magnets. A new optical element - spiral sector FFAG magnet – has been recently
installed in order to perform ray-tracing simulations in such a...
Jaroslaw Pasternak
(LPSC Grenoble)
17/04/2007 10:15
Medical Applications
Oral presentation
The Fixed Field Alternating Gradient (FFAG) accelerator with
100 Hz repetition
rate is very interesting for medical applications. The
Spiral FFAG ring accelerator
for protontherapy is studied in the framework of the RACCAM
project. Possible
scenarios for the variable energy operation are discussed. The
injection/extraction schemes are shown and the linear optics
design is...
Kota Okabe
(Research Reactor Institute, Kyoto University), Dr
Minoru Tanigaki
(Research Reactor Institute, Kyoto University), Prof.
Yoshiharu MORI
(Kyoto University, Research Reactor Institute)
17/04/2007 11:00
Medical Applications
Oral presentation
Eberhard Keil
17/04/2007 11:30
Medical Applications
Oral presentation
Non-scaling FFAG rings for cancer hadron therapy offer reduced
physical aperture and large dynamic aperture as compared with
scaling FFAGs. We consider a system of three non-scaling FFAG
rings for cancer therapy with 250 MeV protons and 400 MeV/u
ions. Hadrons are accelerated in a common RFQ and linear
accelerator, and injected into the FFAG rings at v/c=0.1294.
H+ and C6+ ions...
Dejan Trbojevic
(Brookhaven National Laboratory)
17/04/2007 12:00
Medical Applications
Oral presentation
The major problem in a design and building of the
carbon/proton therapy
facilities are the isocentric gantries. The weight of the
transport elements of the
isocentric gantry in the most recent design in Darmstadt,
Germany is 130 tons,
while the whole gantry with support structure; (rotating
part with transport
elements and counter weights) is 630 tons. This represents
the most...