2:00 PM
Novel 200-400 Hz accelerators for proton and carbon therapy: the cyclinacs
Ugo Amaldi
(University of Milano Bicocca and TERA Foundation)
2:30 PM
Status and future of FFAGs at KURRI
Tomonori Uesugi
(Kyoto Univ. Research Reactor Institute)
Yoshiharu MORI
(Kyoto University, Research Reactor Institute)
3:00 PM
Tracking studies of phase rotation using a scalling FFAG
Ajit Kurup
(Imperial College)
4:00 PM
Comparison of hadrontherapy installation methods
François Meot
4:30 PM
Techniques from the cyclotron world to compute FFAG magnets ?
(Ion Beam Applications s.a. (IBA))