Yasushi Arimoto
(Osaka U.)
12/04/2007 09:30
A PRISM-FFAG ring is one of the key component in PRISM (Phase Rotated Intense Slow Muon) project which aims at
searching for a charged-lepton-flavor-violation process beyond the Standard Model. At the FFAG ring, energy-spread
of muon beam is made narrower by a phase-rotation technique with RF field. A lattice design, a construction of
large-aperture magnets and a development of a...
Yoshiharu MORI
(Kyoto University, Research Reactor Institute)
12/04/2007 10:30
François Méot
12/04/2007 11:30
Joseph Scott Berg
(Brookhaven National Laboratory)
12/04/2007 15:00
I discuss some important considerations for end field
representations. In
particular, I consider transverse symmetries of the end
fields, the use of vector
potentials vs. scalar potentials, the use of Enge functions
to represent the field,
and the accuracy of the hard edge limit.
Dejan Trbojevic
(Brookhaven National Laboratory)
12/04/2007 16:15
Using the sector magnet wedges improves focusing in the
vertical plane,
reduces orbit offsets and tune variations of the non-scaling
FFAG. There is a
problem in a correct treatment of the wedge effect in the
combined function
magnets in the existing accelerator physics codes. To
eliminate potential
problems of the sector magnet with wedges a new magnet
without wedges is...
12/04/2007 16:35
Werner Joho
12/04/2007 17:15
Ben Shepherd
(CCLRC Daresbury Laboratory)
13/04/2007 09:00
Carl Beard
(ASTeC, Daresbury Laboratory)
13/04/2007 09:30
Yasushi Arimoto
(Osaka U.)
13/04/2007 10:00
Scaling FFAG magnets for PRISM-FFAG ring have been designed and constructed. The magnets have a large
aperture of 1000 mm in horizontal and 300 mm in vertical. Measurement of magnetic field has been done for the
three magnets. Here, the measurement results will be presented.
Thomas Planche
13/04/2007 11:00
Emmanuel Froidefond
13/04/2007 11:30
In the frame of the RACCAM project, the coil shaping magnet
design is studied. The
main advantages of that method are to allow to keep
horizontal tune constant and make
possible the variation of k.
A first simple model of conductors of infinite length and no
iron yoke gives a first
set of current intensities using Biot and Savart law. The
problem is then to solve
the linear system...
Chihiro Ohmori
13/04/2007 12:00
Neil Marks
13/04/2007 14:00
takeichiro yokoi
(University of Oxford)
13/04/2007 14:45
EMMA electron NS-FFAG is a prototype machine of NS-FFAG. In
order to
investigate beam dynamics in detail, injection and
extraction energy should
cover whole energy range. In addition, tune betatron tune
varies from 0.1 to
0.4 along the energy range. Thus, to satisfy these
requirements, different
approach is required for the injection sheme compared to
synchrotrons. ...
Alessandro G. Ruggiero
13/04/2007 15:05
Carol Johnstone
13/04/2007 15:45
Afternoon working group session - 2nd day
A hybrid design for a FFAG has been invented which uses a combination of edge and
alternating-gradient focusing principles applied in a specific configuration to a
combined-function magnet to stabilize tunes through an acceleration cycle which
extends over a factor of 2-6 in momentum. Previous work on fixed-field alternating
gradient (FFAG) accelerators have required the use of strong,...
Jaroslaw Pasternak
13/04/2007 16:15
Joseph Scott Berg
(Brookhaven National Laboratory)
14/04/2007 09:00
I begin by describing the purpose and goals for the EMMA lattice. I then describe
the lattice parameters for the machine and how they are related to the machine goals.
laurent Nadolski
(Synchrotron Soleil)
14/04/2007 09:30
14/04/2007 10:00
Shinji Machida
(CCLRC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory)
14/04/2007 11:00
Non-scaling FFAG has to cross many low order resonances
during acceleration. Taking
EMMA and Muon acceleration rings as a model, we study the
effect of the resonance
crossing by tracking. In particular,
orbit distortion due to integer resonances and beam size
growth (not emittance
growth) due to half-integer resonances are investigated. We
also discuss a practical
way to study the...
Sato Akira
(Osaka University)
14/04/2007 11:30
Yoshiharu Mori
(Kyoto Univwrsity, Research Reactor Institute)
14/04/2007 12:00
Alessandro Ruggiero
(Brookhaven National Laboratory)
16/04/2007 09:00
As an alternative to the use of a Superconducting Linac, we
have explored at Brookhaven National Laboratory a
complex made of a pair of Non-Scaling FFAGs for the
acceleration of Ions of Uranium-238 for the production of
Radio-Isotopes and esotic nuclear fragments. The beam power
requirement is 400 kWatt at an energy of 400 MeV/
u. The design of the FFAG accelerators is straightfoward...
Dejan Trbojevic
(Brookhaven National Laboratory)
16/04/2007 09:30
A major cost of the Radioactive Ion accelerator is in the
superconducting linac
the present design assumes three superconducting linacs with
stripping foils
between two stages of heavy ion acceleration. The heavy ion
maximum kinetic
energy is assumed to be 400 MeV/u with a total of 400 kW
power for uranium
ion beams. To reduce the cost for the long superconducting
Grahame Rees
16/04/2007 10:00
franck lemuet
(doctoral student)
16/04/2007 11:00
This paper describes the setting up of ray-tracing tools and
beam dynamics studies concerning the electron model
3-5.4463~MeV of
a non-linear, non-scaling proton driver FFAG 3-10~GeV.
Stephan TZENOV
(CCLRC Daresbury Laboratory)
16/04/2007 11:30
Based on the synchro-betatron formalism the theory of
accelerated orbits in FFAG
accelerators is developed. Traditional notions like
dispersion, momentum compaction
and slip phase have been introduced with due account of the
reference and accelerated
orbit. Further, some preliminary features of the
longitudinal dynamics have been
pointed out.
Alessandro Ruggiero
(Brookhaven National Laboratory)
16/04/2007 12:00
The use of a Non-Scaling FFAG accelerator is here described
for the acceleration of Protons to 1 GeV or more for an
average beam power of 10 MWatt or more. Several modes of
operation are descibed: at the repetition rate of 1 kHz,
10 kHz, and in Continuou Mode. The use of Harmonic Number
Jump method for acceleration is also assumed.
Possible applications for the Proton Driver...
Ugo Amaldi
(University of Milano Bicocca and TERA Foundation)
16/04/2007 14:00
Since many years the TERA Foundation is working on
"cyclinacs", novel accelerators
which produces a beam particularly suited for the many
paintings spot-scanning
technique of moving tumour targets. Indeed the beam from a
cyclinac has repetition
rates in the range 200-400 Hz, as necessary for painting
many times the target, while
the energy and the charge delivered to the next voxel can...
Tomonori Uesugi
(Kyoto Univ. Research Reactor Institute), Prof.
Yoshiharu MORI
(Kyoto University, Research Reactor Institute)
16/04/2007 14:30
Ajit Kurup
(Imperial College)
16/04/2007 15:00
François Meot
16/04/2007 16:00
(Ion Beam Applications s.a. (IBA))
16/04/2007 16:30
Jacques Balossso
(Grenoble Hospital)
17/04/2007 09:00
Jérôme Mandrillon
(CAL-Médicyc-AIMA), Dr
Mathieu Conjat
17/04/2007 09:30
Joris Fourrier
17/04/2007 10:00
The computer code Zgoubi calculates charged particle trajectories in electric and
magnetic fields. It allows the study of complex sequences of optical elements such as
dipoles, quadrupoles, arbitrary multipoles, RF cavities and radial sector FFAG
magnets. A new optical element - spiral sector FFAG magnet – has been recently
installed in order to perform ray-tracing simulations in such a...
Jaroslaw Pasternak
(LPSC Grenoble)
17/04/2007 10:15
The Fixed Field Alternating Gradient (FFAG) accelerator with
100 Hz repetition
rate is very interesting for medical applications. The
Spiral FFAG ring accelerator
for protontherapy is studied in the framework of the RACCAM
project. Possible
scenarios for the variable energy operation are discussed. The
injection/extraction schemes are shown and the linear optics
design is...
Kota Okabe
(Research Reactor Institute, Kyoto University), Dr
Minoru Tanigaki
(Research Reactor Institute, Kyoto University), Prof.
Yoshiharu MORI
(Kyoto University, Research Reactor Institute)
17/04/2007 11:00
Dejan Trbojevic
(Brookhaven National Laboratory)
17/04/2007 12:00
The major problem in a design and building of the
carbon/proton therapy
facilities are the isocentric gantries. The weight of the
transport elements of the
isocentric gantry in the most recent design in Darmstadt,
Germany is 130 tons,
while the whole gantry with support structure; (rotating
part with transport
elements and counter weights) is 630 tons. This represents
the most...
Chihiro Ohmori
17/04/2007 13:30
Jaroslaw Pasternak
17/04/2007 14:00
Pierre Mandrillon
17/04/2007 15:00
Alessandro Ruggiero
(Brookhaven National Laboratory)
Afternoon working group session - 2nd day
Oral presentation
The method of acceleration of Protons in a Non-Scaling FFAG
has been proposed recently. Some issues are still
outsdanding and need a closer review, namely the spreading
of rf phase due to the discontinuity of the energy gain
profile. At the purpose a numerical tracking has been done
and the result will be described. Other issues deal with
the realistic methods to achievement the...
Dejan Trbojevic
(Brookhaven National Laboratory)
The RACCAM project requires acceleration of protons to 180 MeV. A ring made
of sixteen rotated linear combined function sector magnets, to accelerate
protons with a momentum range of -54%
Dejan Trbojevic
(Brookhaven National Laboratory)
A combination of the two different non-scaling FFAG lattices makes a racetrack
shape. A lattice with a very large radius of curvature and smaller number of
cells is designed for the placement of the RF cavities. It is matched with respect
to dispersion and other betatron functions at the central momentum to the two
arcs with the non-scaling FFAG without drifts. The lattice designs are...
Dejan Trbojevic
(Brookhaven National Laboratory)
A very compact superconducting non-scaling FFAG lattice for the carbon/proton
therapy facility is presented. The very small orbit offsets usually produced with
the non-scaling FFAG are compromised on the expense of number of magnets
and machine size.