FJPPL Computing Workshop

Fabio Hernandez (CC-IN2P3)


The main goal of this workshop is to exchange experience and share ideas among experts of both KEK and IN2P3 computing centers. It is held in the framework of the France-Japan Particle Physics Laboratory.

Instructions for speakers

As a speaker, you are kindly requested:

  • to upload the support of your presentation (slides, videos, documents, ...) on time, that is not later than the time your presentation is scheduled to begin. After logging into Indico with your individual identifier, you will be able to fully manage your contribution, including attaching material to it.
  • to upload the slides of your presentations in PDF format. Additional formats are also accepted but please make sure a version in PDF is provided.
  • to let the chairman know if the material of your presentation is to be protected. The agenda of the meeting will be publicly available and eventually indexed by web search engines. If this is a problem for you, please let the chairman know for setting access protections accordingly.


If you plan to attend, as a speaker or otherwise, it would be very helpful for us the organizers if you register as a participant. Not only it is free but that helps us planning for breaks, lunches and social event.

Annotated map of the area (via Google)
CC-IN2P3 geographic coordinates - N 45.782709 , E 4.865241
Directions to get to CC-IN2P3
Location of social diner
Map of venue for social diner
  • Benjamin Guillon
  • Benoit DELAUNAY
  • Cécile EVESQUE
  • David Bouvet
  • Eric CERVERA
  • Fabien Wernli
  • Fabio Hernandez
  • Foudil BRÉTEL
  • Frédéric Azevedo
  • Frédéric Kapusta
  • Gaëlle SHIFRIN
  • Ghita Rahal
  • Gino Marchetti
  • Hiroyuki Matsunaga
  • Jean-René Rouet
  • Jean-Ves Nief
  • Jerome Bernier
  • Loic Tortay
  • Mattieu Puel
  • Nadia LAJILI
  • Pierre-Emmanuel Brinette
  • Rachid Lemrani
  • Renaud Vernet
  • Rolf Rumler
  • Suzanne Poulat
  • Sylvain Reynaud
  • Sébastien Gadrat
  • Takashi Sasaki
  • Tomoaki Nakamura
  • Vanessa Hamar
  • Wataru Takase
  • Xavier Canehan
  • Yonny CARDENAS
    • 09:00 10:00
      Welcome coffee and tea 1h
    • 10:00 10:05
      Welcome & workshop introduction 5m
      Workshop goals, participants introduction, etc.
      Orateur: Fabio Hernandez (CC-IN2P3)
    • 10:05 11:05
      Site overview
      Président de session: Fabio Hernandez (CC-IN2P3)
      • 10:05
        KEK/CRC status and perspectives 30m
        Orateur: Prof. Takashi Sasaki (KEK)
      • 10:35
        CC-IN2P3 status and perspectives 30m
        Orateur: Pierre-Etienne Macchi (CC-IN2P3)
    • 11:05 12:05
      Storage services
      Président de session: Fabio Hernandez (CC-IN2P3)
      • 11:05
        Data storage services at KEK/CRC — status and plans 30m
        Orateur: Dr Hiroyuki Matsunaga (KEK)
      • 11:35
        Data storage services at CC-IN2P3 — status and plans 30m
        Orateur: M. Jean-Yves Nief (CC-IN2P3)
    • 12:30 13:55
      Lunch break 1h 25m
    • 14:00 15:00
      Facility management

      In this session we will discuss the experience acquired by CC-IN2P3 operating its second machine room. What has been learnt over the last few years and what are the plans to improve the current situation.

      Président de session: Rolf Rumler (CCIN2P3/CNRS)
      • 14:00
        Visit to machine room 30m
      • 14:30
        Operational experience with second machine room at CC-IN2P3 30m
        Orateur: M. Xavier Canehan (CC-IN2P3)
    • 15:00 16:00

      This session covers the current status of networking at both sites (LAN & WAN), the ongoing activities and the planned evolution.

      Président de session: Rolf Rumler (CCIN2P3/CNRS)
      • 15:00
        Networks at CC-IN2P3 — status and plans 30m
        Orateur: Jerome Bernier (CC-IN2P3)
      • 15:30
        Networks at KEK/CRC — status and plans 30m
        Orateur: Dr Tomoaki Nakamura (KEK/CRC)
    • 16:00 16:20
      Coffee & tea break 20m
    • 16:20 17:20
      Workload management
      Président de session: Rolf Rumler (CCIN2P3/CNRS)
      • 16:20
        Workload management at CC-IN2P3 — status and plans 30m
        Orateur: Mme Nadia LAJILI (IN2P3 CC)
      • 16:50
        Workload management at KEK/CRC — status and plans 30m
        Orateur: Dr Hiroyuki Matsunaga (KEK)
    • 17:20 17:50
      Joint outreach actions — exploring collaboration opportunities 30m
      Orateur: Mme Gaëlle SHIFRIN (Centre de Calcul de l'IN2P3)
    • 20:00 22:00
      Social event 2h

      Social diner at:

      Maison Villemanzy
      25 Montée Saint-Sébastien
      69001 Lyon

      The nearest subway station is "Croix Paquet" (line C).

      See map of location in the material section (top of the agenda).

    • 08:30 09:00
      Welcome coffee and tea 30m
    • 09:00 10:50

      This session covers ongoing and future activities of both sites towards exploiting resource virtualization, namely computing, storage and networks.

      Président de session: Dr Ghita Rahal (CC-IN2P3)
      • 09:00
        Infrastructure as a Service at KEK/CRC — status and plans 30m
        Orateur: M. Wataru Takase (KEK/CRC)
      • 09:30
        Infrastructure as a Service at CC-IN2P3 — status and plans 30m
        Orateur: M. Mattieu Puel (CC-IN2P3)
      • 10:00
        Cloud platform for non-physics applications: use cases at CC-IN2P3 20m
        Orateur: M. Benjamin Guillon (CCIN2P3)
      • 10:20
        Cloud-based object storage exploration 30m
        Orateur: Fabio Hernandez (CC-IN2P3)
    • 10:50 11:10
      Coffee and tea break 20m
    • 11:10 11:35
      • 11:10
        COMET and g-2/EDM experiments at J-PARC : an overview 25m
        Orateur: Dr Frederic Kapusta (CNRS)
    • 11:35 12:35
      Continual improvement
      • 11:35
        Continual improvement at CC-IN2P3 30m
        Orateur: M. Frédéric Azevedo (CC-IN2P3)
      • 12:05
        Configuration management at CC-IN2P3 30m
    • 12:35 14:15
      Lunch break 1h 40m
    • 14:15 16:00
      R & D projects
      • 14:15
        Data-driven event management 30m
        Orateur: Dr Fabien Wernli (Sysadmin)
      • 14:45
        Identity management : how to handle many accounts on many systems 20m
        Orateur: M. Jean-René Rouet (CC-IN2P3/CNRS)
      • 15:05
        Lavoisier: XML-oriented data processing framework 20m
        Orateur: M. Sylvain Reynaud (CNRS)
      • 15:30
        On simulating complex computing systems 30m
        Orateur: M. Frederic Suter (CC IN2P3 / CNRS)
    • 16:00 16:20
      Workshop wrap-up
      Président de session: Fabio Hernandez (CC-IN2P3)