
Eduardo Rodrigues (Candidature CR1) : "Charm-less decays of beauty-full hadrons - highlights and outlook"

Amphi de Recherche (LPNHE)

Amphi de Recherche



Hadronic decays of b hadrons offer rich opportunities for CP-violation studies and searches for manifestations of physics beyond the Standard Model. Charm-less decays involve flavour charged (b -> u) and neutral (b -> s and b -> d) transitions, which are suppressed with respect to the favoured b -> c transition to open-charm final states. The study of charm-less decays has provided a wealth of crucial results and milestones in flavour physics, notably the first observation of CP violation in the Bs system. In this talk I will start with a review of some of the significant results in charm-less b-hadron decays. An outlook on the most-wanted results, and what the future might bring us at LHCb and further down the line with the start of the Belle II experiment, will be presented.

Horaire à confirmer.
