DESY2019-06 prep meeting #1

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Roman Poeschl (LAL Orsay)

Minutes of TB Preparation Meeting 3/6/19

Attendees: V. Boudry, A. Gallas, A. Thiebault, D. Zerwas, J. Jeglot, A. Irles, T. Suehara, Y. Kato, K. Goto, R.P. 

  • Mechanical structure and integration 
    • The mechanical structure for the beam test and first integration have been carried out successfully in the previous week using a the COB with the babywafers and the carbon frame of the Kyushu slabs. A further integration test should use the FEV13 slab that is currently at LLR.
    •  The transition between the SL-Board and the ASU was found to be fragile. A similar observation has been made for the SMBv5. These observations call for a careful design in the next prototyping steps.
    • Within the structure there is a large flexibility to accomodate cables etc.
    • The distance between the slots is 1.5mm in case tungsten plates are inserted and about 3mm w/o tungsten
  • Gluing of wafers for slabs with SL readout
    • Intensive exchange with LPNHE. In particular the COB need an extra aluframe such that the gluing robot can correctly aspire the cartes. Minor manipulations are also needed for the FEV12. It is clear that the gluing will happen in one go once the technical issues are solved.
  • Firmware of SL-Boards et al.
    • The firmware development is in good shape
    • Following a mail by jihane before the meeting since yesterday it is possible to communicate via the kapton to the Core Motherboard. This is a major step since this corresponds to the (towards) final (and elegant) solution for the communication between the slabs and a concentrator unit.
    • Here the next step is the synchronisation of several boards.
  • Online monitoring and data format
    • The online monitoring of the FEV13 slabs should be realised via the online monitoring implemented in calicoes. It has worked in 2017 and it should be possible to bring it back to work for the upcoming beam test.
    • For this time the online monitoring of the SL-Board based slabs will be provided by the Labwindows system
    • The SL Board system is able to write data to disk. Apart from changes in the header the data format is identical to the format written out by the DIF based system.
    • There are three options for the data format w/ and w/o zero suppression and 'converted data' (where I admit that I don't know at the moment what this actually means)
    • The acquisition can work at 5 Hz thus at the same speed as the DIF based r/o of th FEV13 (Was a question by Taikan)
  • Run plan
    • Taikan presented a run plan for the FEV13 based boards. In principle the tests of the SL-Boards fit to this plan. We may consider two major operations during the beam test a) Turn of the detector by 180 degrees such that each of the two different type of boards is hot first by the beam (to be decided on site, maybe not necessary but we at least should keep it in mind) b) Turn of the detector by 45 or 60 degrees (or whatever is possible) to get a second data point for the S/N determination.
    • Tungsten programme: It was agreed to keep at least the option of a tungsten program. For this it would be good to transport the tungsten box well before the 17/6/19 to LAL in order to make integration tests.
  • Transport logistics and tests just before the beam test
    • Taikan will arrive on the 17/6/19 in the evening at LAL. during the 18/6/19 we will carry out integration tests with the FEV13 slab that is currently at LLR.
    • The truck has to be packed in the afternoon of the 18/6/19 since the driver will leave for Hamburg on the 19/6/19 in the morning.
    • R.P. will compile a shift plan during this week.

 Next meeting 12/6/19 10am CEST = 5pm JST via vidyo.


Il y a un compte-rendu associé à cet événement. Les afficher.
    • 11:00 11:20
      Testbeam 2019 – Status at LAL 20m

      Status of testing, production and plans for BT

      Orateur: Roman Poeschl (LAL Orsay)
    • 11:20 11:40
      Status FEV13-Jp 20m

      Status of testing, production and plans for BT

    • 11:40 12:15
      Discussion on program and organisation 35m

      • Beams & Physics requirements
      • Setup requirements
      • DAQ requirements
      • Logistics
      • Participants and Roles

      Doodle for participants: