We are organizing the TAGp-2014 (Theoretical Approaches for the Genome and the proteome), a two days meeting on the 4th and 5th of December 2014, at Bourget-du-Lac, France (Alpes). The topic is "Evolution and Complexity". This is an interdisciplinary meeting with scientists from mathematics, physics, computer science and biology.
The speakers are :
1) Juli Pereto, University of Valencia, Valencia
2) Deiter Braun, Ludwig Maximilians University, Munchen
3) Pierre Borgnat, ENS-Lyon
4) Paul Sorba, Fédération MSIF, Laboratory of theoretical Physics of Annecy le Vieux (LAPTh)
5) Bernadette Charron-Bost, LIX, Palaiseau
6) Carole Knibbe, LIRIS, Lyon
7) Sergei Grudinin, NANO-D, Grenoble
The organizers:
Claire Lesieur, Laurent Vuillon, Mounia Achoch, Rodrigo Dorantes-Gilardi