Young Scientist Forum
Julie Hogan
(Rice University)
17/03/2014 19:30
YSF (Young Scientists Forum)
I present an analysis of the forward-backward asymmetry A_FB in the B --> J/psi K decay channel at the DZero experiment. This asymmetry reflects the probability for b-bbar pairs to be produced without directional bias. We use the tools of DZero flavor physics analyses to measure this asymmetry in charged B decays. The charged B --> J/psi K process is not affected by neutral B meson mixing, and...
Camilla Galloni
(University of Zurich)
17/03/2014 19:38
YSF (Young Scientists Forum)
We present a measurement of the ratio of the top-quark branching fraction $R
= B (t -> Wb) /B (t -> Wq), where q represents quarks of type d, s or b, in the final state with two charged leptons, missing transverse energy and at least two jets. The measurement uses sqrt{s} =1.96 TeV proton-antiproton collision data collected with the Collider Detector at Fermilab during Run II, corresponding...
Thomas Nikodem
(Physikalisches Institut, Heidelberg)
17/03/2014 19:46
YSF (Young Scientists Forum)
Rafael Silva Coutinho
(University of Warwick (GB))
17/03/2014 19:54
YSF (Young Scientists Forum)
Searches for Lb and Xib decays to KSppi and KSpK decays at LHCb are reported.
Elisa Guido
(University and INFN Genova)
17/03/2014 20:02
YSF (Young Scientists Forum)
Search for a CP odd Higgs boson decaying to ss or gluon gluon at BaBar
Tomoyuki SAITO
(Tohoku University)
17/03/2014 20:10
YSF (Young Scientists Forum)