Friday March 21th: Beyond the Standard Model
Pedrame Bargassa
(Lip Lisbon)
21/03/2014 08:30
Dario Buttazzo
(Institute for Advanced Study - TUM, Munich)
21/03/2014 08:55
In the motivated hypothesis that the scalar bosons of the next-to-minimal supersymmetric Standard Model (NMSSM) be the lightest new particles around, we outline a possible overall strategy to search for signs of the extra CP-even states.
In a generic NMSSM which minimises the fine-tuning of the electroweak scale, we show how the measurements of the couplings of the 126 GeV boson constrain...
Michael Flowerdew
(Max-Planck-Institut für Physik, München)
21/03/2014 09:15
The discovery of weak-scale supersymmetric (SUSY) particles is one of the primary goals of the Large Hadron Collider experiments. Depending on the mechanism of SUSY breaking, it could be that strongly interacting squarks and gluinos are too massive to produce at the LHC. In this case, the primary SUSY production mode is of charginos, neutralinos and sleptons, mediated by electroweak...
Christoffer Petersson
(ULB, Brussels)
21/03/2014 09:35
Motivated by the absence of any clear signal of physics beyond the Standard Model (SM) at the LHC after Run 1, I will discuss one slight (but tantalizing) hint of new physics and one non-minimal extension of the SM. In the first part of the talk I will do the exercise of explaining a small excess of multilepton events recently observed by the CMS collaboration by means of a simplified model of...
Alexander Kartavtsev
(Max-Planck Institut für Physik)
21/03/2014 10:15
We study the impact of TeV-scale sterile neutrinos on electro-weak precision observables and lepton number and flavour violating decays in the framework of a type-I see-saw extension of the Standard Model. At tree level sterile neutrinos manifest themselves via non-unitarity of the PMNS matrix and at one-loop level they modify the oblique radiative corrections. We derive explicit formulae for...
Philippe Calfayan
(LMU Munich)
21/03/2014 10:35
Multiple cosmological observations indicate the existence of Dark Matter, which may be a weakly interacting massive particle (WIMP). In this case, Dark Matter could be produced in proton-proton collisions at the LHC, but would escape the detector without interacting. Final states consisting in pair-produced Dark Matter candidates would however be balanced by radiated particles from colliding...
Cedric Weiland
21/03/2014 10:55
In the inverse seesaw, the smallness of the neutrino mass is related to the smallness of a lepton number violating mass term while the seesaw scale is naturally close to the TeV. This allows for large effects in lepton flavour and universality violating observables as was previously demonstrated. With the ongoing and planned measurements of the Higgs boson properties at the LHC, we found...
Marcin Badziak
(University of Warsaw)
21/03/2014 11:15
NMSSM with a light singlet-like scalar and strongly suppressed couplings to b and τ is investigated. It is shown that in such a scenario the singlet-like scalar to diphoton signal can be larger than for the SM Higgs for a wide range of masses between 60 and 110 GeV, in agreement with all the LEP and LHC data. Enhancement of the singlet-like scalar to diphoton signal is correlated with positive...
Carla Biggio
(Università di Genova)
21/03/2014 17:00
The scalar particle recently discovered at the LHC has the same gauge quantum numbers as the neutrino, so they could be one the superpartner of the other. In this talk I will discuss such a possibility, discussing a model where this is indeed realised. This model has an interesting phenomenology at the LHC.
Patrizia Azzi
21/03/2014 17:20
Several models of physics beyond the Standard Model predict new heavy particles that can decay to boosted W,Z,H or top, that is, with a transverse momentum that considerably exceeds their rest mass. This is a new kinematic regime where classical reconstruction approach relying on one-to-one jet to parton assignment is not adequate anymore. New techniques for the reconstruction of such objects...
Thiago Rafael Tomei Fernandez
21/03/2014 18:00
Some of the newest results of searches from Physics Beyond the Standard Model in the Large Hadron Collider are presented, both from the ATLAS and CMS Collaborations. Model-independent searches, Excited Fermions, Vector-like Quarks and Leptoquark searches are discussed.
Andrey Tayduganov
(Osaka University)
21/03/2014 18:40