Florian Lyonnet
20/03/2014 18:30
YSF (Young Scientists Forum)
A wide range of models beyond the Standard Model predict charged and neutral resonances, generically called W′- and Z′-bosons, respectively. During this talk I will present our study on the impact of such resonances on the deep inelastic scattering of ultra-high energy neutrinos as well as on the resonant charged current ν¯ee− scattering (Glashow resonance). We find that the effects of such...
Mathieu Buchkremer
(Universite catholique de Louvain)
20/03/2014 18:38
YSF (Young Scientists Forum)
While a fourth generation of quarks is now strongly disfavored from the LHC results, many New Physics models predict the existence of new Vector-Like quarks as smoking gun signatures. Searches for new fermionic states heavier than the top quark are being pursued by the CMS & ATLAS collaborations, pushing the mass bounds towards the TeV scale.
In this talk, I will review the phenomenology...
Mandy Rominsky
20/03/2014 18:46
YSF (Young Scientists Forum)
The measurement of the anomalous magnetic moment of the muon provides a test of the standard model and a handle on physics beyond the standard model. There is currently a three sigma discrepancy between theory and experiment. With 20 times the statistics and a factor of four improvement in the systematic errors, a new experiment at Fermilab aims to resolve this difference. I will present the...
Tiziana Scarna
20/03/2014 18:54
YSF (Young Scientists Forum)
We show that there exists only a quite limited number of higher dimensional operators which can naturally lead to a slow decay of dark matter particles into monochromatic photons. As each of these operators inevitably induces decays into particles other than photons, we show that the gamma-lines it induces are always accompanied by a continuum flux of cosmic rays. Hence constraints on...