Federico Meloni
(INFN Milano)
21/03/2014 19:30
YSF (Young Scientists Forum)
Jérémie Quevillon
21/03/2014 19:38
YSF (Young Scientists Forum)
We analyze the Minimal Supersymmetric extension of the Standard Model that we have after the discovery of the Higgs boson at the LHC, i.e. a model in which the lighter h boson has a mass of approximately 125 GeV which, together with the non-observation of superparticles at the LHC, indicates that the SUSY-breaking scale MS is rather high. We first demonstrate that the value Mh≈125 GeV fixes...
Nils Ruthmann
(Universitaet Freiburg)
21/03/2014 19:46
YSF (Young Scientists Forum)
After the discovery of a Higgs boson in the $\gamma\gamma$, $ZZ^{*}$ and $WW^{*}$ final states in 2012, the search for leptonic decay modes plays a crucial role in the identification of this particle as the Standard Model Higgs boson. Tau leptons, as the heaviest charged leptons do contribute significantly to the decay width of a SM Higgs boson of mass $m_H = 125.5$ GeV.
Recent results on...
Philip Sommer
(Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg)
21/03/2014 19:54
YSF (Young Scientists Forum)
Isolated, high-energy electrons constitute a very clean signature at hadron collider experiments. As the final states of many Standard Model processes, as well as physics beyond the Standard Model, electrons are a vital part of the ATLAS physics program. A precise knowledge of the efficiency to correctly reconstruct and identify these electrons is thus important. In this contribution the...
David Marzocca
21/03/2014 20:02
YSF (Young Scientists Forum)
We study deformations of the SM via higher dimensional operators. Focusing on bosonic operators relevant for electroweak and scalar boson physics, we compute their one-loop RG scaling equations. Assuming absence of tuning or correlations, these allow us to derive RG-induced bounds, stronger than the direct constraints, on some SM scalar boson couplings and anomalous triple gauge couplings. Any...
Caterina Vernieri
(Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa)
21/03/2014 20:10
YSF (Young Scientists Forum)
Arun Kumar
(University of Delhi, India)
21/03/2014 20:18
YSF (Young Scientists Forum)
A search for a heavy Higgs boson in the H->ZZ->2l2nu decay channel, where l = e or μ, in pp collisions at a center-of-mass energy of both 7 and 8 TeV is presented. The search is optimised separately for the vector boson fusion and the gluon fusion production processes. No significant excess is observed above the background expectation. A re-interpretation of the results as a search for an...
Riccardo Manzoni
(INFN Milano Bicocca)
21/03/2014 20:26
YSF (Young Scientists Forum)
A search for the standard model Higgs boson decaying into a pair of tau leptons is performed using events recorded by the CMS experiment at the LHC in 2011 and 2012. The dataset corresponds to an integrated luminosity of 4.9/fb at a centre-of-mass energy of 7 TeV and 19.7/fb at 8 TeV. An excess of events is observed over the expected background contributions, with a local significance larger...
Otto Eberhardt
21/03/2014 20:34
YSF (Young Scientists Forum)
After the Higgs boson discovery at the LHC one of the main questions is whether the Standard Model Higgs sector is really minimal. A very popular extension of the Standard Model is the two-Higgs-doublet model of type II (2HDM). In a global analysis of this model large parts of the parameter space can be excluded by taking into account LHC Higgs search results, electroweak precision observables...