15–22 mars 2014
Fuseau horaire Europe/Paris

Neutrinos probe supernova dynamics

18 mars 2014, 09:30


Dr Irene Tamborra (GRAPPA Institute, University of Amsterdam)


Despite their extremely weak interactions, neutrinos are crucial to the dynamics of the most spectacular events in our galaxy: the deaths of massive stars in violent supernova explosions. In the delayed explosion scenario of core-collapse supernovae, neutrinos play a fundamental role reviving the explosion and carry imprints of the supernova hydrodynamics. Neutrino signal variations from first three-dimensional hydrodynamical simulations as well as their detection perspectives will be discussed. I will also talk about perspectives on what we could learn from such a measurement concerning the physics in the supernova core and the explosion mechanism.

Auteur principal

Dr Irene Tamborra (GRAPPA Institute, University of Amsterdam)

Documents de présentation