26–28 nov. 2013
LAL Orsay
Fuseau horaire Europe/Paris
DAQ4NP means DAQ for Nuclear Physics and is a collaboration between IT service of CSNSM,GANIL and IPN Orsay. This collaboration has defined and developped a set of tools used to manage online computing element of an experiment.

Purpose of this school is to provide to physicist basics to control NARVAL based acquisition and to create actors to visualize information through GRU framework and to add "filter" in order to manipulate data in the dataflow.

School is compound of 4 sessions :
* Basics about NARVAL and RCC : how to launch an acquisition and check status of different process
* GANIL Root Utilities : how to spy and display data during acquisition
* Filtering process : how to add a process inside the dataflow to work online on the dataflow
* Filtering and display : how to modify dataflow and to visualize the output

To participate, you need a laptop with SSH client and X11 server, we will provide you environment for exercice based on a cloud infrastructure.

Before registering, you have to talk with local organizer (Luc Legeard @ GANIL, Vincent Lafage @ IPNO, Eric Legay @ CSNSM).

This formation is sponsored by GET (http://www-actar-get.cea.fr/)
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Finit le
LAL Orsay
Bat 203