Présidents de session
Monday afternoon 2
- Fabian Schussler (CEA/Irfu)
Konrad Bernlöhr
(MPIK Heidelberg)
10/06/2013 16:15
Simulations, modeling, and reconstruction
In Monte-Carlo simulations of detector arrays on the ground (here mainly arrays of Cherenkov telescopes), the atmosphere enters in several ways: in the development of the particle showers, in the
emission of light by shower particles, and in the propagation of
Cherenkov light (or fluorescence light or of particles) down to
ground level. Relevant parameters and their typical impact...
Bianca Keilhauer
(Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)
10/06/2013 17:00
Simulations, modeling, and reconstruction
Extensive air showers initiate the fluorescence emissions from nitrogen molecules in air. The UV-light is emitted isotropically and can be used for observing the longitudinal development of extensive air showers in the atmosphere over many kilometers. This measurement technique is well established since it has been used since many decades by several cosmic ray experiments. However, a...
Joshua Colombi
10/06/2013 17:30
Simulations, modeling, and reconstruction
When cosmic rays enter the atmosphere, they induce extensive air showers composed of secondary particles. Charged particles excite atmospheric nitrogen molecules, and these molecules then emit fluorescence light in the 300-400 nm range. In cosmic ray observatories as the Pierre Auger Observatory or Telescope Array, the atmosphere is used as a giant calorimeter, where the fluorescence light is...