Présidents de session
Wednesday afternoon 2
- Karim Louedec (LPSC, CNRS/IN2P3)
Cécile Roucelle
12/06/2013 15:10
Simulations, modeling, and reconstruction
High-priority science goals of the LSST mission such as weak lensing and baryon acoustic oscillations require exquisite knowledge of the density and spatial distribution of galaxies. The atmosphere can introduce photometric errors correlated on spatial scales of tens of arc-minutes where much of the power in these analyses is to be found. The LSST science requirements include a design...
Alexandre Boucaud
(APC, université Paris 7 diderot)
12/06/2013 15:45
Aerosols and interdisciplinary studies
The LSST is a 8m wide-field photometric telescope that will run at Cerro Pachón in Chile, starting in 2020. As part of the calibration of the 6 large photometric bands ugrizy, there is a need to monitor the atmospheric transmittance in time and across the field of view (~10 deg2). An auxiliary telescope with a spectrometer will be dedicated to that task, fitting an atmospheric model to the...